Killing the mutated fire ghoul


Henrick was shocked by the sudden system notification and shouted in mind.


 The baby fire monkey can't maintain it's 'Celestial form' forever.

'This is bad. I have to help it,'

After reading another system notification, Henrick understood what was happening with the baby fire monkey and thought he had to do something.

Once the baby fire monkey's celestial form disappears, getting out of this fire ghoul cave is impossible. 

So, he racked his brain to think of a solution to get out of their current predicament.




Even the baby fire monkey understood that it could not maintain its 'Celestial form' for much longer. So, it became aggressive and punched the huge fire ghoul into the ground.

Moreover, it didn't give any time for the mutated fire ghoul to react as the fire monkey gave one attack after another.

'Is it a cockroach in its previous life or what?'