Bronze level customer

Inside the mission hall,

"Not bad...not bad,"

Looking at Henrick and Nick's items from the beast mountain which were proving that they had completed their missions successfully, Elder Shi nodded her head at them.

 Between Elder Shi and them, there was a table. On it, there were three types of things like three flame sacs, hundred fire wisp flowers, three red-coloured beast cores.

"So, how many contribution points will we get for the missions we completed?" Henrick asked Elder Shi after some hesitation.

Henrick felt Elder Shi get angry very easily. So, of course, he feared to ask something.

Nevertheless, he tried to ask regarding the contribution points.

"Every accomplished newbie mission by the disciple will be rewarded wth 100 contribution points. If you want to sell the items from the mission, then you can go and sell it in the contribution hall for more contribution points,"