Generous additional rewards

Even though the sect leader Gamos will not force them to give the energy crystal, the other outer sect leaders will definitely spread the news about the energy crystal.

And when the general sect leader of the blazing inferno sect finds out about it, they have to exchange it for some contributions.

However, compared to the benefits that an energy crystal gives them, the contributions they get were nothing.

"Looks like we are in the same boat,"

Henrick didn't move from his place because he still didn't finish refining the blood from the underworld fire dragon. Standing at the same place, he replied to Lina and Nick with a slight smile on his face.


This was the only thought they had when Lina and Nick saw the smile on Henrick's face because currently Henrick's face was covered in black blood making him look creepy.

"What if we can enter and leave this treasure land at will?"