Old goat man's plans

'What? How is this possible?'

The old goat man touched his neck and felt blood gushing out from the cut made from earlier.

'If not for my timely escape, my head would have flown away.'

All of a sudden, the old goat man's back was completely covered with sweat and silently thought to himself.

'Looks like he became a guardian for a reason. I have to be careful; otherwise, I will die if that huge blade slashes through me.'

Looking at the huge black-coloured blade in Henrick's hands, the old goat man muttered to himself and deeply noted down in his mind.

'Also, what is that thing that blocked my attack?'

Soon, he thought of something and looked at the huge fire vine which was completely destroyed by a couple of meters and fell to the ground without any movement.

'So, he had a battle companion.'