Date The Secretary

[ Main Quest: Date The Secretary! ]

[ Difficulty Level: Easy ]

[ Status: Ongoing ]

[ Summary: Harem Cultivation is the method of gaining power through conquering beauties and adding them to your 'harem'. Your current target is 'Ying Yu He' and as the title suggests, date your secretary!. ]

[ Time Remaining: 29 Days and 16 hours remaining ]

[ Success: 10,000 Charm Points ]

[ Failure: Collapse of Your Company ]

The words on the screen made Yang Li frown, "I do not want to do this quest. Isn't there anything else?" The CEO was still in his office but somehow he was quickly forming the habit of speaking his thoughts aloud—if only to get a more human-like reply from the Panda-like creature that was floating at his side.

"W-What?! Are you insane!" The Panda reached out and clutched his face with his two paws. His eyes were gleaming red. "This is an extremely easy quest!"

Yang Li pushed the creature away from his face and gave it a look. He clicked his tongue—this was not a human so it didn't understand the conventions, "Under this company and other business settings, it is highly advised to not have any romantic relationships with your business associates and employees."

"That's just some lame rule!" The Panda placed a paw over their face. "And aren't you supposed to be the CEO? You can make your own rules! I'm pretty sure that other folks like you take advantage of their position!"

"There is some wisdom behind that convention and I for one would like to abide by it."

"...You really make me want to hit you again."

"I'd rather not experience that again." Yang Li rubbed the back of his head—it still felt sore to him right now. He was eager to get home and finally rest but with the current situation, he still needed to gather as much information right now. "Besides, wouldn't it be terrible if the source of entertainment was suddenly forced to stay in a hospital? It's in your best interest to support me."

The Panda growled at him, "And what makes you think that it's actually good for me to support you?"

"You've been urging me to take this quest for awhile now and you're terribly hotheaded about it—seems to me that you have a lot at stake in this situation as well." Yang Li shrugged. He could be wrong about this but it was something that he had surmised. Now it was up to this Panda creature whether it would confirm it or not.

The Panda frowned at him, "Maybe you're right, or maybe you're wrong. It shouldn't matter to you anyway—what is at stake is what you care about, foolish human. If you don't actually want to lose your beloved company then do the quest, there is no option for you to switch Quests at whim."

"Alright, I'll do it."

The creature nodded solemnly for a second until its eyes bulged, "Wait what—you bastard changed your mind too quickly!"

Yang Li gave it a small smile, "You're right, I am doing this for the sake of my Company and all the time and effort I've poured into it. I think Miss Ying Yue He is still around, I'll go meet her right now." The man stepped out of his office at last with his suitcase in hand.

"Don't tell me that you've actually wanted to date your secretary all this time?!" The Panda shouted and arrived beside him again. The creature jabbed him lightly in the cheek, "You're a sly piece of shit, do you know that?"

The CEO didn't answer the creature this time as he found Ying Yue He. The woman seemed to have also finished her tasks for the day and it looked like she was ready to go as well. His secretary had her backpack on and was taking off her heels until she noticed his presence, "A-Ah, Mister Li!"

He inclined his head, "Good evening, Miss He. Are you leaving already?"

She gave him a sheepish smile, "Yes, but no worries! I've already sent your schedule for the next week to you already, Mister Li. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"It's already past business hours, is it not?" Yang Li asked.

Her brows furrowed together as she pursed her lips. Her gaze lowered to his watch but she nodded, "That is correct, sir. But if you have any other tasks that are important then—"

"I'd like you to join me for a date."