Matchmaking Granny

The neighborhood that Yang Li lived in was more rural than urban and he preferred it that way. His surroundings were clean and fresh, most of the people who lived here were seniors who liked this quiet and peaceful way of living. As he walked along the road to visit Grandma Lanfen, the man took in the air and breathed deeply.

Now that he was outside of his home, the qi in the air was much more apparent.

The CEO appreciated the atmosphere around him and he almost dreaded heading to his work. He was aware that the air in the city had an air quality index of 55, it was still good according to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, but now that he was on the path of cultivation—how much more sensitive would he become? Somehow, now that he started this decision on becoming a cultivator, it had made him much more aware and vulnerable of the dangers that he hadn't known before.

He was still at a crucial level that could make or break him.

'I need to quickly move up the qi condensation stage and start the next part, and what was it called?'

[ The Stage After Qi Condensation Is Foundation Establishment ]

[ Foundation Establishment Is The Period Where The Cultivator Prepares Their Body To Form A Core ]

[ Often Referred As The Actual First Step In The Path To Cultivation ]

Somehow, the System was easier to deal with than the Panda but it was actually quite weird and unnerving to see a blue screen flash and appear in front of his vision along with the somewhat disembodied voice he would hear. The creature who got upset and smacked him silly still felt more human than the System.

"Ah, we're here." He looked ahead at the traditional-style house in front of him. Not exactly in front of him as there was a great wall that covered the entire land owned by Granny Lanfen, and he approached the gate to ring her doorbell. Which happened to be a recent installation since the old woman was actually quite reluctant to adapt to modern conveniences.

The Panda gave him an open-mouth expression, "This old lady's place is freaking bigger than yours! Why is it that?"

"Well, she has relatives that stay over. I live alone, why would I need a big place?" Yang Li answered as he awaited for someone to open the gates. He blinked for a moment and rubbed his face, he threw a look at the creature, "You can probably communicate with me even if I don't speak, right?"

The creature snorted and crossed their tiny arms, "Look insane for all I want—"

Before they could finish the sentence, the gates partially opened up to reveal a boy. It looked like a young boy to Yang Li, and this boy looked up to him with furrowed brows, "Excuse me, but who are you?"

"I'm Yang Li."

The boy scratched his cheek, ", who are you, Mister?"

The Panda broke into heartfelt laughter for some reason and it made him realize his mistake. Yang Li inclined his head, "Good morning, I'm a neighbor of Granny Lanfen. I assume she must be your grandmother?"

"Great grandmother to be exact." The boy corrected him.

Yang Li felt a tad embarrassed but nodded, "I see, well… would it be possible to meet with your great grandmother? I would like to ask if it was possible to get some bamboo?" He needed to be concise and straight to the point.

The boy looked up at him from head to toe, almost scrutinizingly so. It felt like Yang Li wasn't dealing with a ten-year old boy but another man his age from the way that the young lad inspected him and then nodded. "I'll let her know, shall I invite you to our family's drawing room while you wait, Mister Li?"

"If I can intrude that much."

"It is not a nuisance at all, please follow me." The young boy soon led him through the familiar home of his neighbor. The way that the young boy carried himself along the path from the open courtyard to the grandmother's home had a certain amount of grace and balance to it that Yang Li had only seen from long-serving and professional butlers—it was an interesting thing to note.

The CEO was then left at the drawing room as the boy promised. Right before they left to presumably call for their great grandmother, the boy gave him one last question. "Would you like to opt for refreshments? Have you had breakfast already, Mister?"

"I'm good, thank you." If the boy hadn't mentioned that he was the great grandson of Granny Lanfen, Yang Li would have assumed that they must have been a butler-in-training or something else. He could respect something like that. It made him wonder more about his old neighbor. He wasn't the type to pry into other people's personal lives and he didn't even have time for it, even if he wanted to.

Soon enough the older woman arrived.

Somehow, Grandma Lanfen practically bursted into the drawing room in comparison to the young boy that walked along quietly. The boy looked a bit distressed at their great grandmother moving so fast. Yang Li stood up from his chair to greet his elder, "Good morning to you—"

The older woman raised a hand to wave their greeting off and instead smiled, "Yang Li, it's been quite awhile! You came at a great time, as you may already see—you're not the only visitor I have. Little Lei, give the man a proper greeting."

"U-uh, good morning again, Mister Li."

Granny Lanfen threw a look at the boy and shook her head, "Lei's a little too shy for a young boy, but at least he's not too loud as his older brother. But ah, where was I—take your seat again, Yang Li. Lei go get your granny some hot breakfast for this man and I. We can't meet guests without food."

"Granny Lanfen, I'm afraid that I must decline." He tried to refuse her.

"Nonsense! While you're here, let this old woman treat you well—it breaks my heart to see young men and women working too hard and not even taking care of their bodies." The old woman wiped an imaginary fake tear. "You came here for bamboo? Are you raising a panda or something?"


[ Panda: You're not allowed to say anything you fool! ]

The old woman waved a hand, "Whatever your reasons, let's leave it at that. Some of my family came over and I have a great granddaughter around your age, I think the two of you can get along—a good child that one.."