Heading to the Black Market

A chuckle had emerged in the air, Shen An Na covered her mouth but hardly stifled her laughter and pointed at Hua Zhao. But she then met the CEO's gaze and inclined her head, "That is quite perceptive of you—not a lot of people would assume that from first glance."

"It was just some kind of random guess, no doubt." Hua Zhao ran his fingers through his hair, somewhat behest at the sudden laughter because of him. His face was colored red even as he approached the girl.

"He's a bit right—but I'm glad to have lightened up your mood, Miss Shen." Li Yang responded with a smile of his own.

[ You Have Gained 10 Charm Points ]

Li Yang blinked at the sudden amount again. Perhaps it was because the woman he was interacting with was younger than usual? It was a lot easier to gain, barring the one time that Bo Lifen had given him 100 points at one time.

"Haha, why would I need to lighten up in the first place—what did you tell him, Zhao?" the young woman sent a sharp look at her employee. "I'm glad that you've arrived safe and sound, CEO Li. Are you prepared to go to the black market?"

It was something that shouldn't have been said aloud, and yet she did it without even blinking.

He turned back to her and nodded, "I am. Although this seems to be the first where you'll have to visit a physical store instead of going online." He rubbed his chin. "Not that I have actually checked any black markets myself, but from what I have heard."

"Dead gods, you can't hold a proper conversation!" the Panda complained behind him.

The man had nothing to say about that, except sigh inwardly. He might have ignored it, but the creature nitpicked a lot. Small chitchats had always been a bane of his, despite his task usually requiring him to talk with others… and yet he could improve, regardless.

Shen An Na only smiled and nodded at him, "Indeed you're correct about that—although, it's more of our nickname for it. And it is an entire market of different sellers and suppliers, but we'll be heading to the flagship store and hope they have something for your condition."

"It deals with the illegal too, but let's just get there to finish this thing already. The dude already used up the evil-qi dispelling talisman." Hua Zhao interrupted them. "Almost died back there if we weren't being careful."

Her eyes widened. She looked up to him with a worried look. "Are you alright, CEO Li?"

A plump creature sat on said man's shoulder and swatted his cheek with a paw, "The perks of being conventionally attractive, huh?"

Li Yang ignored the comment of the Panda and glanced at the young woman, "I'm fine, thank you for the concern, Miss Shen. You've already done a lot." The need to get stronger and not burden other people only elevated, but the way to such strength was—

[ You Have Gained 10 Charm Points ]

The woman coughed, "It's really just my responsibility to look after people like yourself, please think nothing of it."

His strength relied on fickle things, a matter of the heart of women thinking he was charming. He would do his best to accumulate points easier, but it would never cease to baffle him. And for whatever convoluted reason, the gods decided it was so.

"Ahem." Whether it had been the Panda or Hua Zhao, it was a signal for them to get going.

"Is this market close by?" he asked.

"We actually still have to get there—I'll get my car, you can leave yours here, CEO Li." Shen An Na told him. She scratched her cheek, if a little sheepishly, "It's a little farther away from here, it's not in our territory."

He raised a brow, "Is that so? I do not mind driving my car—I am imposing on the two of you. Please let me show some gratitude and drive us there."

"His car is actually comfy."

"... if you insist." she bowed.




And so that was how the young woman took the shotgun seat beside him. Li Yang buckled his seatbelt and glanced over at her, "Seatbelt?"

"Oh, pardon me." Shen An Na wore it with no problem. Albeit she gave him an embarrassed smile, "It's a little restrictive."

"Is that her way of saying she has a huge rack?" A scoff escaped from the creature before he would set off. The Panda's attention shifted from him to the woman. It wasn't necessarily a good thing, but Li Yang paid more attention to driving to the destination.

Until the young man in the back spoke up.

"Hey, do you have a kid? What's this child seat for?" Hua Zhao hollered. Compared to Shen An Na who sat in front with decorum, the man was rather too relaxed. It was Li Yang's way of thinking of him as sloppy.

"He made a valid point!" the Panda was quick to side with the martial artist and gave him a look. "It's snug, but questionable!"

Li Yang shrugged. "When I purchased my car, the dealer offered to add it to the package at a fraction of its usual cost," he replied. "It didn't make any sense to refuse it. He was a good salesman and there might come an occasion to use it."

"Oh, will you be getting married soon? Have a girlfriend?"

"Zhao, don't ask questions like that!"

"Hey, he's probably at the age where he wants to settle down." Hua Zhao answered with a shrug of his own.

Li Yang stayed silent for a second and parked his car first. "I haven't given it much thought, but certain circumstances might make it an opportune time for that, if I were to meet someone. We are here?" He had only followed what Shen An Na had inputted.

"Mhmm, we're here." She looked out the window. And it was a street that retained its ancestral architecture compared to more modern locations elsewhere.

The Yuyuan Old Street.

Li Yang had never been here himself, and when all of them got down and passed through an ancient archway entrance… He could almost understand why—besides his own busy schedule, the entire place was crowded. The old business street was brimming with people despite the early hour, and it was a small wonder how the so-called black market thrived.

"They must blend in a lot." he said to himself.

"Well, there's that—but also this." Hua Zhao snapped his fingers.

Li Yang stared at him and raised a brow. "What?"

"Hold on a minute." the younger man pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's a little difficult when I'm with others."

Shen An Na averted her gaze, "I probably should have asked Mou Gu instead of you, even Song would have done it better."

"And there we go—" a loud snap echoed in his ears. A sound that resembled a thunderclap and purloined his attention for a second. And in that moment, the view in front of him changed—or rather, the surrounding people disappeared. The enormous crowd of people were emptied in a street that resembled the Yuyuan Old Street, but in a different time. Dark skies were overcast above them and with no celestial body in sight.

"Now let's actually visit the black market for real."