Would You Like To Have A Drink?

"What is that?" The shopkeeper blinked and stared at the item in the CEO's hands. It was a beautiful and pristine can, similar to what might one could obtain in a vending machine, there were even beads of dew glistening on the container.

While the Root Blossoming Tea could have been found in ancient times, antique but powerful because of its ingredients carefully made by perhaps a powerful Alchemist from the past… the can in the CEO's hand was a representation of modernization. There was a certain appeal to it, cool and refreshing… but what was that sensation that somehow invigorated one's eyes even as they looked at it?!

This was no simple drink in a can…

"I believe this is a drink that could provide a great source of energy." CEO Li Yang told the shopkeeper with a cool tone.

The shopkeeper in question scratched his cheek, he tried to resist the tempting can of cool drink in the CEO's hands. "Well, I'm sure that the energy it provides might be powerful… but it is surely something recreatable with another sort of elixir and such. Do you not know of energy elixirs? If it's something like that, then I must say that the value of this can you have is not worth very much."

"Are you not curious?" The CEO asked. "Most of the elixirs and pills created by alchemists and pill makers are borne through heat and fire, but you can tell that the process of producing this is quite different. The drink's efficacy can possibly be matched—but the chance to learn how to produce something like this? Investigate the contents? I can assure you that nobody else has ever seen a product like this in the entire country. I might say that something unique like this will draw in a good number of consumers."

The shopkeeper was simply but a shopkeeper, but even he could understand what the CEO was implying. In the world of business, there were two key traits of a product or service that will determine if it were to become a success: Novelty and Use. Still, he didn't think that he would be talked into purchasing something by a CEO!

Heck, this wasn't even just him selling it… it was almost akin to a business pitch. A proposal!

"The taste is actually very refreshing, and it will be something enjoyable for one's palate." Li Yang continued to say with nothing but a simple smile on his face. Compared to his usual serious, if not sullen look… there was actually a hint of enjoyment and a light in his eyes. It was the look of a man who actually enjoyed his career! "I've never actually tried energy elixirs or anything yet, but surely there is something of a good value in selling a cold drink that matches elixirs."

"... are you even sure that it's recreatable?" The shopkeeper had to pull himself together. He had to keep his wits and focus on the viability of such a drink, it might be appealing to look at and even now his throat felt parched as he looked at it, but it was not enough to hand over the Root Blossoming Tea for no reason.

Li Yang raised a brow, "Are you not confident in the skills of your people? I've come to understand that this is the flagship store in all of the city and thus you and your boss must come into contact with trusted and powerful contacts to provide your wares. I do not discount that at all."

In the Yuan's Shop, managed by Yuan Gen, the shopkeeper felt his pride get attacked in this particular moment. And yet he needed to cool his head, he shouldn't be overcome by his emotions—this was emotional manipulation often done by people trying to let you make an impulse decision.

He placed a hand over his forehead, "Well, I think that I must confer this with…"

Li Yang opened the can, a refreshing sound popped. It sounded like music to everyone's ears inside the store. A dramatic gust of wind seemed to blow at the right moment and swept over his hair akin to a commercial, and he offered the can out to the shopkeeper with a cool look. "Would you like to take a sip?"

The shopkeeper accepted the drink before he could even know what he was doing. And once he took a sip, the man's eyes bulged open—

[ Observer 'Sea Foam' Wants Their Thirst To Be Quenched ]

[ Observer 'Apache' Is Gawking At The Scene ]

[ Observer 'The One Who Slaughters' Laughs ]

[ You Have Received 1000 Charm Points ]




This commercial is brought to you by LoveStellar Organization. Bringing Love Among the Stars! Today we present our product for all of the viewers watching this mortal's challenge!

[ Divine Energizer Drink ]

Feel the power of a thousand suns! With LSO's specialized drink—the individual who drinks this will feel a rush of energy flow throughout their entire body. Perfect for consecutive rounds with your Target!

Comes in Zesty Lemonade Flavor

To anyone who might have been viewing this scene with an unfiltered perspective, they would have come to notice that there was a creature, a Panda transmitting everything in the Premium 3D Version of the show, who also happened to be throwing murderous looks at the CEO. And if one were able to tune to the creature's words at this very moment…

"Why the fuck are you giving the System's items away you goddamn—!" the creature couldn't finish its words as it was struck by a sudden gust of wind that threw it off of the lantern that it was resting on. The very same wind that produced a soft brush of wind around the CEO at that particular time that he offered it to the poor shopkeeper.

What soon came after the sponsored commercial was an invitation to all viewers to try Races: Online, it was another universal platform for the viewers to create an avatar and live a second life with multiple races.