Looking For Ways To Relax

"Hey, have you ever considered another way to destress?" Bo Lifen asked right before the man could walk away. She watched the man's broad shoulders pause, and she bit her lip down. Even she could appreciate the man's physique, but that wasn't what she was here for.


Bo Lifen fought the urge to slap a hand over her face, "Even you're more of a workaholic than me—I mean hobbies! Something to unwind your stress levels if you want to keep the burdens to yourself." She herself wouldn't be here at her great-grandmother's place if it weren't for her other relatives.

"I read from time to time."

She pursed her lips, the excuse somewhat alright. "And what pray tell do you even then read, Mister CEO?"

He shrugged, "Various topics. It depends on what I'm in the mood for."