The Shadows In One's World

When Li Yang and the others reached the rooftop of Shen Society's building, it gave them the view of the Market District of Shanghai, all of the sprawling structures and interloping sections that met with one another. The night was young, and so he and the others were overlooking the sight of numerous vehicles and people traversing the roads.

Mou Gu planted his staff into the roof with a thump.

The bustling streets of Shanghai disappeared before his eyes—and were replaced with the bleak emptiness of the road. Now the same buildings are still present and even lit up with the artificial lights that it held, but the overcast skies were a deep entrenching black and without even a glimmer of a star in sight.

It was slightly disturbing when he had visited the black market, but somehow the denseness of a certain thing made him uneasy. He didn't say a word though and focused on possible enemies until he heard a voice.