The Tiger and Tea Sommelier (Taiga POV)

Note: Taiga and Bo Lifen interaction chapter. I guess you can skip this if you only like CEO POVs

When Taiga stepped out of the car and onto the porch, she zipped toward the trees and then rested against the highest branch. She could sense if a dangerous entity would come along, her senses were sharp, but this might just be an easy paying job.

It was true that outside of Shanghai, the jurisdiction of Shen Society was no longer present—but in suburban places like this, it was a lot more peaceful. There were stray shadows of negative qi that rolled along the streets, but it wasn't enough to achieve a harmful form and actively cause mayhem.

She leapt up and still crushed it, though.

Her fiery aura pierced through the shadows and reduced it to ashes that soon disintegrated in front of her. She blew the rest away and smiled contently. Taiga could get antsy when she wasn't able to move around a lot, so this was an excellent exercise.