The Way of the Stick

The night was bitter, harsh and cold—strong winds blew across the rooftop and formed an intense atmosphere. The two of them were separated from the world but together, and each one eyeing the other carefully. This was no time for games or frost cake smearing. The two of them would have none of that.

It was a tense atmosphere.

Li Yang was on his first session of learning how to wield a blade—or rather a stick. Despite Taiga promising that she wouldn't take it easy on him, that he needed to find some sort of healer to treat his injuries, she removed the saber-tooth dagger from his hand and promptly gave him a stick from a tree.

"It'd be stupid if Bossman hurts himself with his own blade. Use the almighty stick!" She grinned and had proceeded to chop down a tree branch with her claw and gave it to him.