Who You Know

Warning: This chapter contains the author's personal enjoyment involving three-books references. It will not inhibit the agenda of protagonist or reading at all, but it depends on your perspective lol.

The culmination of the conversation ended quickly—he thought he would get a deduction of points, but Ying Yue He only nodded when Taiga mentioned she would indeed be a tad uncomfortable seeing them caged even while they were well-accounted for. In her words, 'Taiga would either set them free or eat them. It's one or the other, Bossman.' that settled the idea of not bringing her to the zoo.

Either way, Li Yang had other places to be.

As promised, he left the office and found himself outside of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion. He stepped out of his car and approached the traditional-looking building. Two young women immediately greeted the CEO. They wore long-sleeved robes that Bo Lifen herself once wore when she served him tea.