The VIP Observer + System Patch

"Oh right, her Innate Ascension Skill thingy. Smart," Bao stretched and yawned. "But it still seems like a waste. She's not in your harem or anything."

"I don't think I have to focus all of my time and attention into this 'harem' I'll be having—if I wish to help Miss He, even if she's not part of the harem, then I'll do it." Li Yang sighed and drove. "Either way, Miss He promised to help repay me… consider this as an investment. I'll reap the benefits in the future."

"Sure sure, keep looking at this however you like it. You'll still end up doing what the Heavens want either way—but there's a reason your cultivation method is harem cultivation. You'll progress way slower if you don't actually get people in your harem. Get yourself a girlfriend or a fuck buddy? Alright, it's your life. But if she ain't in your harem—she's not that useful cultivation wise."

The CEO stayed silent and drove on.