Date The Secretary (2)

Note: Title Based On Previous Date Back In Chapter 4

Before Li Yang could say a word last night—the tigress spirit disappeared in a blink of an eye. He could have done something like chase after her or track her down, but the man decided to give her some space. He doubted she would believe in his words, and that was the end to his night.

When morning finally came up, which was actually at four-thirty in the morning for him, he set out to prepare for the day. It was his date with Ying Yue He. Perhaps he shouldn't have driven Bo Lifen home and perhaps had her stay at his house—that would have at least mitigated the incident with Taiga.

He normally didn't regret his decisions, but he wondered about it now.

"A very dark morning to you." Bao appeared in front of him.

Li Yang rubbed the corner of his eyes. "Yes, the sun is not out yet."