Evaluation Time! (2)

When Li Yang finally woke up much later, it would be because of the sound of the television. He might have panicked if he hadn't been keenly aware that it was the weekend. A Sunday, to be exact.

The CEO stepped out of the third room in the executive suite and saw his secretary Ying Yue He on the couch. She had been about to yawn but stifled it and quickly greeted him instead. "Good morning, Mister Li. Did you sleep well?" She asked. "The hotel attendant had already arrived earlier with their breakfast accommodations, but it's also possible to go to the buffet hall if you wish to do so."

"What kind of boss wakes up later than his employee?" Bao, the creature, was on the couch and had an entire piece of a waffle in its paws, munching and even dipping it into a chocolate dip. "But also a rough night, huh? I can swear that one of you guys was squealing like a whale and I'm not sure which one of you was it."

It was too distracted to even give him a proper mocking.