Right Back On Schedule (CEO + Taiga)

"Where are you going, Uncle Yang?" Chunhua grasped the edge of his coat and looked up at him. She was sleepily rubbing her eyes with her other hand and yawning. Although it was barely six in the morning, somehow she woke up and caught him before he left. 

Li Yang bit back a chuckle at her sleepy expression, before he cleared his throat. "I have work, Chunhua. I'll be going to the office today, well… for the next few days." He couldn't exactly just throw his schedule into the air because she arrived into his life, and he didn't even do it when the System arrived. He hoped she didn't find it too troublesome.

"Oh…" She tugged his coat again. "But you'll be back right?"

He ruffled her head. "I'll be back at six tonight, so have a good day today, Chunhua and listen to your uncle." He paused for a moment and said. "Well… not everything he says. If he says anything weird or strange, don't pay attention to him."