An Offer On The Way Back Home

Did she not want him to take her home?

Words like that were enough to cause a shortcircuit in the mind of Ying Yue He.exe even when the Confession protocol had gone successfully—

Her imagination ran wild, the synapses in her brain electrified until she realized that it was definitely not an invitation to sleep with her. There were other people inside of Li Yang's house. But even she was still wrong in her assumptions.

"I want to make sure that you get home safe, Miss He," he said.

His offer to Ying Yue He wasn't necessarily bringing her to his own home, contrary to the expectations of the creature and hers, but in bringing her to her own home.

Back to her apartment to be exact.

Li Yang wanted to offer her a safe ride and found no reason for her to stay in his office when he was already going himself. Ying Yue He gave him a sheepish smile.