The Only Man In The Temple (3)

Before Li Yang could even muster a reply, she attacked him. A sudden and huge blast of Ao from the left sent the man's back to hit against a wall. 

The sword finally dropped out of his hands and into the bedroom's floor.

She would no longer mess around with him.

It didn't matter if he could form Ao around him to enhance his body and his sense, she'd hold him in place with simply the amount of her energy alone—not to mention it was of a different composition than his, something she had worked hard on to discover. It was foolish of him to think he had a chance.

Mitsuko eyed him. "Isn't that better? Stay still for a moment."

Setsuko's energy back then had been unleashed like a wave that sent itself across the entire world, but the Priestess had focused the Ao around them into holding him in place. It was concentrated and that kept him back, no matter how much he tugged energy within him to fight back.