Different Colors and Natures

Dinner passed on by quickly, and unsurprisingly, the Priestesses staying in Mashiro Temple were early sleepers. There might have been candles, lanterns and even Ao-related light sources, but most of them preferred to work in the early morning at dawn than to sleep late.

Some other time, Li Yang could have appreciated such discipline.

Right now, he lay awake in their bed. Setsuko was close to him, not necessarily snuggling like Taiga might have done. Instead, she might have been staring up at the ceiling like him. Only the sound of soft breathing escaped the room.

If he looked idly, he could see the rising and lowering of her chest. The two of them didn't break the silence between them, whereas they might have a need for it. It was simply the first day, but somehow, it was already awkward? He couldn't find the right word for it.