Avatars, Bounds and Contracts

Mitsuko sat in a lotus position inside one of the available minor portals in Mashiro Temple's Sacred Forest. All around her surroundings, it resembled something akin to a clear and vivid ocean, unperturbed and untouched as she meditated.

This was one of the tranquil spots hidden away from the rest of the world. It had once been filled with numerous dangerous water creatures lingering beneath its still surface, but when one's heart was at peace—there would be nothing to attack.

While the Priestess herself agreed to train and teach him in the ways of bending and moving the life energy of Ao, she also wished for him to actually work hard on it.

It wasn't everyday that one could encounter a rare and talented genius.

The High Priestess might have been initially worried at the appearance of Setsuko's raw connection to the world—the learning curve would stunt the woman in ways that prevented them from overtaking her.