Time Stops For No One + Letters To My CEO #1

One night turned into an entire day. That one day then numbered into days and soon stretched into weeks. How long had he actually been gone? What of the people he had left behind? Were they alright? Had time stopped when he went away and he'd return at the very same time he left?

The man had no answers for any of these.

To contemplate them was a fruitless endeavor that rendered him deeply troubled. He knew what to do—it was systematic in a way. Get stronger here. Find a way back home. Get rid of the contract that bound him to the Heavens. Plain and simple. 

But being entangled in the events of Telriah in a scope of things that reached far more than just a simple temple's affairs... it made things a lot more complicated. What else could he do?

He was still here in this world. 

Conscious and visceral of what was happening around him.