World's Balance (4)

Li Yang shifted his gaze to the man and eyed the blood dripping on the blade. He didn't say anything at first and beheld the wariness of the guy. Perhaps he just beheld the guy's idiocy. Li Yang was holding a weapon and even though he was supposedly a 'consort'—his appearance should have said otherwise.

Or maybe he was thinking too far—


Li Yang quickly enshrouded himself in Ao and gripped his sword tighter. That was until he saw the screen in front of him. It was once again flashing a strange quest for him to choose.

[ System-Generated Temporary Mission! ]

[ Type: Non-Harem, Power-related Task ]

[ Switching Allegiances ]

The world of Telriah is ruled by women and only small but organized groups like the Damask Insurgents are fighting to regain men's footing in this world. The Goddess Aurora exiled her brother Aseroth from the world they created together and shunned the males in this world.