In The Darkness Of The Night (3)




No-good cheater.

Accusations like those were thrown easily in the air. It wasn't difficult to hear such words from countless people—both men and women said it easily when they were hurt by someone they loved.

Promises of exclusivity and being a person's one and only.

It was a funny thing that the people in the world of Telriah didn't understand that well. It wasn't rare to find a man falling out of favor from a high-ranking woman and replaced by younger men who could provide the satisfaction that such women needed.

And yet things were a different matter for Setsuko Hirayama.

Her dark hair whirled across the wind. Her body stood still, as if frozen in time even when countless knives flew at her from different directions. It all came from multiple other Priestesses and though she made it look flawless, Setsuko gritted her teeth. 

Three knives still landed on her shoulder, torso and then lower leg.