Domains of Darkness (4)




It was just one word. 

There was nothing special to it if it were spoken by anybody else. 

And yet it was Aurora of Telriah. The Goddess of Light and the World. Her voice dripped with such a reviled tone, in utter disgust and revulsion that you could feel it palpably in the air. 

You could hear it clearly in your ears and see it in your eyes.

The manifestation of everything that was and the very same being that will also be. A goddess supposed to be an embodiment of light now turned to an overwhelming and bright glare that burned everything in her path.

Shadows faded away from her.

Darkness disappeared once she came.

Horrors and nightmares from unfathomable realms recoiled from her touch and presence alone. Their very nature not able to stay and possess their corporeal forms, they disintegrated into the night.