His Return (2)

A fox leapt out of the bushes, its fur was frayed and then immediately raised up in fear once it saw the two of them. It scurried away from both Li Yang and the floating Panda. 

It wasn't fair for the creature to even notice them in the first place as both the CEO and the creature were good at hiding their presence, the fox continued on and left them.


"Twas just a fox." Bao said with a scrunching up of its nose.

It had been nothing then. The CEO didn't ease up on his defenses, but rather kept his guard up just in case. His gaze lingered on the fox until it was completely out of sight. 

As far as he was concerned, Li Yang already encountered his fair share of foxes and another one with a fox bloodline was going to be too much.

Not that Bao and the others from the Heavens would be able to appreciate it that much since they weren't there.