Passage To The Afterlife (2)

Pure brightness and white light filled his entire vision—until the glare ended and he ended up somewhere else. Li Yang had been to Shanghai just moments ago, but now he wasn't sure where exactly this place was, except for the fact that this was a new location.

The Grim Reaper's tattered black cloak fluttered behind him and might have been the only dark thing in his current perspective.

"Your view will readjust to the immaterial plane," Thana said. 

Li Yang narrowed his eyes and found that while the light was gone, the blank state of the world around him was ever present. He might as well have been tossed into a blank canvas. 

The only color that he saw in this world was that of the Grim Reaper, himself and… 

Thana glanced over her shoulder and looked at him. Once again, the visage of her pale light yellow eyes and white hair framed over her face was a little bit unnerving.