Connections (3)

Li Yang opened his eyes and found himself in a new location, and all he could see was black and utter darkness. When he first entered the immaterial plane, there was nothing but light that told him the world he was in was at a higher point than what earth might have been.

Now things were different.

He was only running earlier but was swallowed and taken into this new area. Li Yang figured out that this was a cave, a cave that seemed to stretch on forever, and the only light he seemed to have was the glint of the blue thread still running through the rocky ground and terrain.

Li Yang didn't claim to understand anything at all.

But all he knew was that, similar to Ariadne's thread that helped Theseus find his way to the labyrinth, he only had one way to go and so Li Yang chased after the blue thread without any hesitation. He couldn't let it disappear—and so he wordlessly chased after it, weapon ready in his hand.