Reunion (3)

Shortly after Taiga's words, a doctor came out to talk with Li Yang about Luo Ju Di's medical condition. The woman would be staying in the hospital and undergo some physical therapy to get her back on her feet. 

Taiga was a little embarrassed to have been caught snuggling with Li Yang, but soon decided to forget all about it as Li Yang went back inside of the room. Chunhua had woken up and was now hugging her mother tightly while Luo Ju Di brushed her hair.

It was one of those moments that made Taiga wish she still had her family—no matter how faintly she could remember them. 

"Uncle Yang, you really brought Mama back!" Chunhua looked back at him with awe. She went down from her mother's bed and threw herself at him. "You really did it."

Li Yang picked the child up and cleared his throat. "I suppose?"