What It Meant To Be In This Position (4)

Li Yang's lips twitched slightly at the embarrassed expression on Bo Lifen's face. It was a rare moment to see her like that, but more importantly—he was actually hoping that she'd ask him about that.

"... It wasn't that bad, I guess." 

He muttered it in a way that made Bo Lifen's eyes flare up slightly. She didn't like his response, but she stifled her own reaction and just looked away. Who wasn't going to be disappointed by such a lacklustre answer?

That was telling in and of itself.

Li Yang didn't actually expect that she'd stay silent and only pout at his response. It was a childish response when she could simply express her distaste—so he cleared his throat.

"I'm more inclined to think that it's an unforgettable moment… that's what you wanted to hear, isn't it?"