Interlude of His Return

[ Interlude - A pause between the acts of a play + the recap of the last 48 hours story-wise. Fast-pass if you will. Contains rhyming. ]

And so the son of Li Chao Yun returned to earth and he raised hell on the second day of his return.

A more accurate account of the tale would have been Li Yang visiting the afterlife, not necessarily descending into the underworld alone, but chaos did come upon his arrival.

The first day of Li Yang's return already caused some business relationships to unravel. The rather eccentric couple, Song Chuanli and Song Angeline, met him in the forest of Japan. Saving their lives, saving one, meant saving the other, and in their eyes, they saw a dependable young man.

Yes, Li Yang appeared young to them, a gentleman who might become an excellent influence on their daughter. Their minds were convinced and so they provided accommodations until his return to their home country.