Family Impositions (3)

"What do you mean by ridding one of them?" Li Yang stared at the old woman. 

A sudden silence overtook the room.

Behind him, Bao and the rest of the Observers watching from their own distinctive realms could have been said to be at the edge of their seats. Not only metaphorically, as some may have actually been lounging on ethereal lounge chairs of divine fluff and cotton, with some celestial popped corn to nibble on—but they were actually looking forward to this part.

The older woman's lips curled into a startling cruel smile. 

"Easy. Getting them out of your life to prevent distractions. Your father failed in that aspect and brought the two of you into this world despite my arrangements—and if it weren't for him being my only son, I would have disowned him. So what else do you think I had to do?"

"What. Did. You. Do. Grandmother."