A Long Overdue Conversation (1)

"Will I see you again?" Li Yang asked the fish.

"You got any more of those good pearls and seaweed?"

"I see that we'll be having trouble adopting you for Chunhua's pet again, but… technically, since you were supposed to be Narissa's. I'll be taking you as a gift."

"What? I'm a free ranged fish! A wild one—"

Li Yang grabbed the fish's fin and placed it in his Inventory. 

It thankfully worked enough that a living being was capable of being stored in his Inventory… and while that raised some good questions as to what happened when you placed someone inside of it—that would have to be for another time.

Li Yang glanced around his surroundings and found no gaping humans, most were only passing and travelling through.

It wasn't everyday that a man arrived at the port of Shanghai while riding a fish—but no one batted an eye when he arrived. The Veil of the World tended to mask any strange occurrences from the unsuspecting common folk.