Shou Temple Sect (4)

"...Right, edible." Bo Lifen gave him a sideway glance but then slowly nodded. Edible was a bit helpful but it was not the final thing. There were a lot more considerations, either way, she would do her best. 

Li Yang gave her a look that almost seemed like he was judging her cultivation skills by making tea and that was making her a bit more nervous than usual. Also a tad confused because she really wanted to swing a sword.

If making tea was enough, Bo Lifen would have splashed hot boiling tea in the heretic cultivator's face and be done with it. She sighed deeply.

"I'll try my hand at making something useful from all of these, however… Please don't expect much, okay?" 

"Aren't you proud of your heritage?" Li Yang quirked a brow. "There's a certain expectation when you realize that from someone whose ancestors were said to have actually served gods in the past."