The Night Before Teaching and Tea

[ The Night Before Meeting With Bo Lifen ]

[ Location: Outside Shanghai, Li Yang's Home ]

Across the "past year" that Li Yang received the System and started his path on Harem Cultivation… he heavily relied on simply purchasing the 'Harem Cultivation Qi Condensation - First Stage' until all the way to his current level.

Li Yang was currently at the Twelfth Stage of Qi Condensation and he thought it was all well and good. For someone who actually experienced the duration of what was a year to the others as only a couple months at most, he was blessed with a cheat.

His progression was faster than most people could dream of at his age.

Not only did the former CEO have had access to cultivation, he was granted the ability to scour the universal database of every available thing on the System. It was something that he greatly appreciated.

However, now that Li Yang agreed to teach Bo Lifen, the problem was obvious.