Govanneth i lúg


Meeting that trash god wasn't a blessing for me. It was a blessing for him. What kind of god can't even keep a form? And so, instead of just letting me rest, he brought me here to play babysitter.

'So you want me to go on an adventure and become a god to help take a portion of the domains that are causing havoc on your identity?'


'And I would have to take care of some child? Hell no!'

"Weren't you like ten or something, though? You can't really call him a child. Besides, it is more like being a 'bodyguard' till he gets used to moving around, quite a sad case."

'Shut your whore mouth! I'm not a child; I fought, I killed, and I brought victory after victory!'

"Think about it. He will get fast enough that you won't have to take care of him for long. You can even train him a bit. And think of all the adventures you'll have! All the ones you wouldn't have had before, with your body aging like it was. Traveling to different worlds, seeing knights on different worlds, seeing how kings rule, and learning how so you can rule your own kingdom one day."

"Why stop at a king? Maybe... becoming the God of Victory, Knights, and Dragons? If you become a god, you could go back to your home even and let your father be proud. Think about it, going back home with tales of victory of foreign planets and new, powerful, eldritch enemies! Doesn't that sound spectacular?"

That did sound tempting; honestly, it didn't sound too bad at all.

'How long will he be weak? I don't want to protect him for a long time.'

"That's up to you and him. Honestly, I think he is more mature than you so far."

'What'd you say!'

"I said, 'I think he is more mature than you' or are you going to prove me wrong?" They Mocked

'Fine! Send me on my way. Looking at you any longer will make me vomit!'

"HA, good! Have fun in your new body, Pendragon~" The Voices sang by dragging out her last name before throwing her out of the large space.

Weak, she hadn't felt this weak since she had start training with her mother years ago. Before she could manipulate the mana that saturated her body, while she could feel the stir of something at the very core of this new body, it wasn't anything that would help.

She also felt her body consuming something from the space around her but wasn't sure what.

Looking over, she saw the boy sleeping next to her and the small fire she built. Slim with tanned skin and an olive undertone and grey hair like it had aged while he hadn't. And some kinda cute peach-colored li- the fire needs stoking.

Stupid kid and stupid, slow, new body, I am not even the same age, I'm even younger. What the hell is that about? At least this time, I can appreciate it. If we survive, that is, I don't have any confidence in that trash god when he says we will be safe.

Looking to the side, I saw two bags, one with a J and another with an M. I couldn't open the J, but the M opened for me; yeah, I know it stood for my name, but I was curious about the other bag.

What was in my bag, though, was interesting. Clothes, food, and some gear, along with a sword. It was just a regular sword, something I can't treat rough like my old one, Clarent, not that I had the strength to anymore.

As for the gear, I don't know what most of it is. Material and colors I had never seen before, metal worked in some strange shapes, and a small flat box with glass on one side. Maybe that kid would know more.

But it had already been a while, and he showed no signs of waking, cursing at my little luck at having to babysit and in the middle of a dessert at that.

I can see vast amounts of sands that climbed up so high they created giant towers of sand by just looking around. I could peer into the darkened sky and spy the moon hanging so close to the ground it felt like it would crash into me.

Pulling a leather belt around my waist to hold the scabbard for the regular knight sword, I felt thankful as I held onto it. It was at least in style I was used to but far more well made than the old ones used to be and far lighter; the grip was longer and more comfortable. So I guess it will do.

Adjusting it and a knife, so they sat comfortably, I looked up at the stars and wondered how far my home was from here. Somewhere in that inky blackness between those millions of stars was my father, maybe before or after he ran a lance through me. Ungrateful jerk, I just wanted him to be free a little, and he wouldn't even recognize me as his son? I was going to ease the burden on his shoulders by choice or force. But now... where was that option? Far into the future? Or had I had already missed it, would being a god even allow me to ease that burden for my father?

Taking a pointed glance at the sleeping beauty to see if he had even moved, I noticed that he had really long pointed ears.

'Do longer ears give you more power?'

Running my gloved hand over my ears, I couldn't feel anything different, so I didn't think so. But I couldn't rule it out; Merlin's ears were somewhat pointy... bastard. If this kid is the same perv as Merlin, this adventure might not last long.

Stomping over to the sleeping kid with a sneer, I started nudging his arm with my boot. "Wake up, wake up before I kick the everliving snot outta ya." Seeing his face start to twitch, I pushed a little harder and rolled him over face-first into the dirt or sand, whatever.

Watching him struggle to breathe for a second before he pushed himself up and snort the sand out of his nose gave me some level of vindictive pleasure at him, making me keep watch for all these hours.

"WELL, it's about time." I said with a whole lotta snark, watching him whip his head around with those bright forest green eyes opened wide in abject terror. I had a small tingle run down my spine.


'Gandalf calls me the greatest tracker of this age, but I find I am hard-pressed to prove it. When he asked me for this favor, I was loath to grant it, but the chance to get ahead of the enemy for once instead of being on our backfoot was tempting. His news about the 'One' resurfacing was worrying, though.'

Aragorn moved with a speed and continuity that would later earn him the nickname Wingfoot, his feet hurt from pounding the ground, and no matter how soft the earth felt in the Dead Marshes, little rocks always ended up under his heels and toes. What was worse is having to stop and check for signs of his hunt, little bits of fish or bird bones from carcasses, and then pick up speed again. Not wanting to let down his old friend, he continued to search for this miserable little creature.

The scraps continued to get fresher every time he found some wretched thing in the water to eat until finally, fresh tracks. Aragorn had despaired for too long to let this chance slip by and so flew under cover of sinking sun along the pulpy ground.

As he is called up north by almost everyone, even his fellow rangers and his closest friends, Strider finally found his prey. Under a dead tree and covered in slime, peering into a darkened pool was the one called Gollum.

Creeping up behind him was easy; unfortunately, subduing him wasn't foretold to be. Aragorn leaped out with rope in hand, trying to pin the creature beneath his body and capture him. Unfortunately, he was slimy like a worm. Wriggling, scratching, and biting, Gollum tried its best to get away until Strider decided to get rough.

A few strong blows to Gollums thin body allowed Strider enough time to wrap his rope around his neck and hands, along with a gag for those biting teeth. Thoroughly disgusted by the whole encounter and the weird crying the creature was making, Aragorn decided to hurry it up with a few kicks. Bringing him to Mirkwood would be a long journey; the extra baggage would make it take even longer.

'To skirt past all the spies of Sauron and reach Mirkwood by a safe route is about three hundred leagues' Aragorn thought 'But I think I will get not one thought of rest one this journey for if not of Saurons spies or the creature's teeth, I fear for me nose as his stench will surely drive me to homeward faster. Now on the first of February, I push for the north end of Emyn Muil.'.



So just to let you know, I'm taking mainly from the books, and I may take some stuff from the movies that I liked or that was cool. I will be adding in my own stuff to fit in the Harad and Umbar areas, along with Ithilien and Osgiliath. I plan to have the character involved in a lot so that I may skew the time between events a bit. Obviously, the sieges and battles will be big and will take big chapters.

On top of that, there will be things that aren't canon but will fit in the power scope. So don't get whiney, like more dangerous, numerous monsters and sorcery.