[-Wild Beasts-]
Wild beasts are creatures that vary in power and strength. Not all wild beasts are powerful.
Their power range are also classified into,
[1] Common – Least Powerful
[2] Uncommon – Average Power
[3] Rare – Most Powerful
{-Wild Wolves-}
[][] Common
[][] Abilities:
--------- Strike
--------- Swift Attack
--------- Bite
[][] Chapters: 13-14-15-16-17-
{-Leader of Wild Wolves-}
[][] Rare
[][] Abilities:
--------- Lightning Blast
--------- Lightning Whip
[][] Chapters: 13-14-15-16-17-19-20
{-Giant Centipede-}
[][] Classification: Rare – Wild Beast
[][] Abilities:
------- Acid Sting
------- Dig
------- Constrict
[][] Chapters: 19-20
[][] Classification: Uncommon – Wild Beast
[][] Abilities:
--------- Wind Cutter
--------- Gust
--------- Peck
--------- Wing Attack
--------- Swift Attack
[][] Chapters: 21