
The referee announced the official victory of Shams and the placement of the others.

[-Champion-] : Shams

[-Rank #2-] : Hawks

[-Rank #3-] : Billy

[-Rank #4-] : Barette

Placements for the final showdown was flashed on all monitor screens.

The entire coliseum was filled with loud cheers for Shams.

Standing tall and proud for his victory.

Looking around at the crowd cheering for him.

Rousing applause and cheers were given to Shams.

For a well-deserved win.

And being the new champion of {Junior-Ranked} Division.

Suddenly Shams started reminiscing his moments with his parents.

'Growing up, I only wanted to make my parents happy. We may not have a luxurious life but they filled me with laughter and smiles despite our poor condition. How I wish they could see me so that I can finally say to them … I have won something! Your son is not useless, after all!' Shams loudly thought to himself.