Wreak Chaos

[-In the Emperor's Palace-]

After the announcement of Emperor Shin, it was evident that his latest announcement caused a ruckus and unexpected disarray amongst the ministers and headmasters of every noble clans.

The moment he dismissed everyone and adjourned their assembly.

Most of the ministers and headmasters of every noble clans made their way back to their own manor and territory.

They were walking in their elegant robes and official caps.

While Headmaster Philip was taking his time walking along the halls of the emperor's palace with his retinue, his younger brother could not help himself but ask the most senior.

"Big brother, what do you think is the ulterior motive of the emperor without telling us this announcement of his?" Lord Nori was curious just like the others.

He added, "Can he really do this without telling us?"

Another relative of Headmaster Philip raised his own query to their headmaster.