[-In The Ruby Phoenix Sect-]
Compared to their previous hometown, the secret hideout of the Ruby Phoenix Sect was hidden in between mountains.
After their sudden mission in the territory of the Golden Dragon Sect, Reema and her juniors returned immediately back to the hidden temple of the Ruby Phoenix Sect.
On their return back to the temple.
As they entered to the entrance of the hidden hideout.
Many wisps were roaming freely around the temple.
Gathering around the large trees and the fountain nearby the entrance.
Children were being sequestered on one area by two beautiful ladies in red robes.
While the other juniors of Reema were delighted to see them back.
"Finally! You're back guys!" the other disciples of Master Wushu welcomed Billy and the rest.
Billy, Rankuza, Hawks, and Maya were excited to tell the others that Shay was alive.
Seeing her in person and the possibility of finding Shams soon.