# 30: Mistakes Were Made

# 30: Mistakes Were Made


"So that is the reason we're visiting Kuoh. I would like you to join, us my friend. It's been a while since we talked face to face." Loki called, asking me if I am free during the week.

"Sure Loki, as long as it doesn't cut in my time in school."

"Don't worry, Odin only visits Oppai Clubs, and those open after 7 pm." I have yet to figure out how does he say "Oppai Club" with a straight face.

"Well, see you there I guess. Goodbye." Closing the circle I look over to my plate, somehow the contents spell "Idiot" in Japanese.

"Is this what they call passive aggression? I don't even know what I did wrong."

"I don't understand what you're talking about Jacob." Asia smiles sweetly.

"Right..." I really should figure out what's wrong.


Reaching school I was informed that I was relieved of my duty as the temporary advisor of ORC.

That honor now belongs to Azazel who foolishly threw himself to fire.

I hope he can fix what I broke. I am genuinely worried about his safety there.

The ORC is one of my best works yet, only I know how challenging they can be.

As I was praying for Azazel's soul I was also looking for Sona, she's my best option for understanding Asia.

I have to ask someone else because asking Asia is definitely not the right answer.

Sona is by far the smartest devil in the school and she's also very observant. She might have the answers I need.

Getting to the student council, first I helped them out with their paperwork to reduce tension.

They're naturally scared of me after listening to Rias's report.

After everyone was sure that I am not here to "train" them Sona started a conversation with me. We had a nice chat until I managed to ask what I needed to ask.

"You need to look back to what happened before she started acting like that. Then just pick apart every single detail until you find something that you think fits the situation... Then trash that one because it's wrong."

"Right... I got nothing then." Sona facepalmed to herself while muttered something I couldn't catch.

"Sorry what?"

"I said. No wonder Issei got laid before you did."

"That cut really deep Sona, I can respect that." I also solved my little mystery... But how can I make up for Asia?

It's not like I can just go up to her and take her to bed. Or can I?


(Meanwhile in ORC)

Azazel is cowering at the corner watching Kiba and Jeanne sharpen their blades, even though they both have Sacred Gears that create swords.

Xenovia is also watching them with interest. Azazel also noted the pack of condoms that dropped off her pockets. Some of them are even seemed to be used since they're empty.

Next to them Rias and Akeno are reading an anatomy book while debating how to inflict maximum pain on their victims.

Gasper is in his box throwing balls to the now chibi sized Cerberus to play with it. He sometimes freezes the ball teasing the chibi Cerberus.

Issei and Koneko are the most normal ones, they're just lazing around eating snacks.

Although Azazel with his years of experience noted that Issei is currently living post-nut wisdom, explaining the condoms.

'These children are beyond help! Where's God when you need him?' Azazel screams inwardly.


(ORC Five minutes earlier)

Azazel enters the ORC building with a grin, he can already imagine all the fun he will have by teasing those youngsters. Especially Issei he can feel that he's a kindred spirit.

He has to teach them some tricks but that's easy to do, they got talent from what he saw during the treaty minus the gore.

Entering the room the sight that greeted Azazel was everyone T-posing on their heads. (Reverse T-pose)

Seeing his entrance somehow all of them turn towards him. "The weak should fear the strong!" They start to chant.

Azazel never regretted something in his life including his fall from heaven and his former NTR fetish but as they say, there's a first for everything.


(Back To MC)

"So slept after riling your girlfriend up? I don't know if I should laugh or berate you." Mary sighs rubbing her temples.

"It's fine, he can still salvage this." Martha comments.

"Yes, Jacob just needs to do something memorable to get her in the mood then all he needs to do is not fail. It shouldn't be hard."

"That doesn't give me much to go on Yasaka." She just flicked me with her tails and moved on.

"Well, for now, bear with it. This type of stuff shouldn't be rushed. Also, bring her here next time you're visiting. Beth said great things about Asia-chan."

"Fine, I'll bring her. Wait there's a trip to Kyoto for the students. We can use that to visit."

"Sounds good. Now, go back to school don't slack off from work." Getting a hug from Mary I teleported back to school just in time for my class.


"Asia, Loki, and Odin invited me to drink do you have any plans or do you want to come with me?"

"Sorry dear, I promised Rias for a girl's night out."

"Okay, make sure they don't kill anyone important."

"Got it."

[AN: I am mildly aware that this whole thing resembles an NTR plotline but it's not, don't worry MC is going to get Asia.]


Leaving home I drove to the location Azazel sent me, it appears he is already drunk.

The entire message he sent is gibberish. He at least managed to send the location from his GPS.

Baraqiel is watching over Odin and Loki who arrived here to visit the place, depending on Odin's decision Asgard might sign the treaty as well.

According to Azazel, they're also talking with Shinto Faction but that will depend on how Asgard will respond.

There's a youth devil gathering that's going to happen soon and they decided to invite Odin to the event to impress him.

Since there's still sometime before that event Odin has some free time to himself.

Odin being Odin he decided to spent his free time the best way he can think of, that being visiting every Oppai Club in Japan.

Parking my car I located Baraqiel and Rossweisse at the entrance. I just nodded at them and entered inside.

There, I found Odin looking at breasts with a peaceful expression that would make one think he achieved enlightenment in a cultivation world.

On Odin's left side, Azazel is dead drunk, he is speaking something about T-posing but most of it is just gibberish.

On Odin's right side, Loki is playing some games on his phone. Seeing me enter he just approached me with a small smile.

I guess I can let go of myself tonight. Let's hope nothing bad happens.


(Asia POV)

I came back home from a girl's night out. Rias-senpai and Akeno-senpai were kind enough to tell me about how they seduced Issei-san.

Who would have thought I just needed some rope and 'supplements' for the last push.

Although Rias-senpai mentioned an extra use she discovered with the Boosted Gear Explosion but that doesn't apply in my situation.

Sighing I decided to watch some TV before sleeping.

[Emergency News!

Kinkakuji(The Golden Temple) has been stolen, authorities have shared the photos of the potential suspects.

*Insert photos of Odin, Azazel, Jacob, and Loki.*

We still don't know how did the suspects managed to steal an entire temple in just one short hour.

But we will keep our viewers updated as we get more information. Please stay tuned.]

'Ah yes, that's the idiot I fell in love with.'