# 35: Hungry Potential.

# 35: Hungry Potential.


The next day, I ran into Rossweisse in the teacher's room. She was introduced to us as the new home economics teacher.

I am not going to lie Devils work fast.

From her energy signature, I see that she's now a Devil. Well, Rias finally completed her Peerage.


"Here kids, these are for the Kyoto trip. Don't lose it or you will be arrested on the spot." I inform ORC while passing their Passes to enter Kyoto.

"Wasn't this Azazel-sensei's job?"

"Well, I have connections at Kyoto and yokai faction. So it was left to my poor shoulders." I sigh dramatically.

"Thanks, sensei."

"Just behave during the school trip that's all I ask." I waved them off, knowing them there's definitely going to be trouble.

"By the way Asia, my parents live in Kyoto just giving a head's up." Hearing this Asia froze, blushed then nodded while leaving me wondering what she was thinking.


(Several Days Before School Trip)

"Yasaka-sama! Humans are attacking us. They want you." A frantic youkai bowed right as he entered the room and relayed the information.

"It seems it's the hero faction Jacob warned about." Martha informs looking at her crystal ball watching the field where humans are attacking.

"Then I shall meet their aggression." Just as Yasaka was getting up she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning her head she saw Mary 'smiling'.

"It's been a while I broke heroes. Let me have some fun." Yasaka could only nod seeing that expression.


Getting out of the shrine Mary started running in the direction of her enemies.

While she's running her blue eyes turned pitch black and the tips of her hair turned crimson.

"Hihihi, let's hope they can dance for a while." Jumping from building to building she reached the area that's sealed by Dimension Lost.

"Hmph! I was the one that killed this one's previous user. It's like they're mocking me." With a snort, she entered the separate space.

Mary was the only person that left that dimension alive.


(Back to Jacob)

We're on the train, going to Kyoto.

While I was reading a book I saw Issei opening a box out of the corner of my eye.

Then a red ball jumped out of it to some random male student who groped the girl next to him...

Luckily he's in a relationship with that girl thus was spared with just a slap.

Afterward, the red ball left the dude, before it can jump to anyone else I caught it.

Let's see, another power-up? This one needs to feed off on Oppai power gathered from a large population...

Seeing that this thing is going to cause the trouble I was expecting I enchanted it with Axii.

Now neither the guy who gropes women nor the women that got groped will remember what happened and move on with their lives.

'Things I do for my students sigh.'


We arrived at our hotel without problems, and I was the only one that could see the molesting spree going on in the background.

Getting in I saw Mary, Martha, and Yasaka waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

"Welcome!"Huh, they're waiting at the door for us?

"You three just want to meet Asia right?" I retort.

"Yes!" At least deny it! I have feelings too you know.

"Sensei, who are those beauties?" Hearing Issei my mothers smirked.

"Well kids, meet my adoptive parents. Mary, my mother, and Martha, also my mother and there's this old hag Yasaka who is also the Youkai Leader." I love riling her up.

"Your mother is older than me brat!" Huh, I look at Mary who's whistling... Well, doesn't matter.

"Ehhh!?" While they're shocked, Asia got taken away by my parents. Afterward, they left in hurry leaving three dust clouds behind them.

"I can see where you got your quirky personality sensei."

"Yeah."I sighed.

By the time kids settled in their rooms Asia came back on her own, she was smiling like an angel.

"Jacob your parents are wonderful people."

"Yeah, they're."


Once everyone was ready, we let the children go to explore Kyoto.

Normally teachers are needed to join as well but I found Azazel and Rossweisse getting drunk.

Seeing that the 'adults' are incapacitated, I tagged along with ORC as Kunou and Beth toured them around Kyoto.

It wasn't that exciting for me since I lived here for a while and naturally explored every part of it.

I was just enjoying Asia's expressions.

At some point, Beth jumped on my shoulder while sending a victorious smile to Kunou who couldn't join since someone has to guide the rest.

Chuckling I took her to my other shoulder and assumed the role of the guide.

I did keep my on the red ball for a while but this thing is getting ridiculous. It has been over 100 pairs of breasts but it's still going around.

We returned to the hotel around evening, before going to my room I decided to visit my parents.

"What's up with the clothes?" I point to the bloodied garments, some of them look like school uniforms, one of them has Chinese accents.

"Those are souvenirs left from Hero Faction." Mary informs me.

"Cool I guess, how were they in a fight?"

"Broke too easily, tch I should have kept them alive, they died too young to give me a challenge."

"I am always up for a match." Hearing me Mary looked at me with warmth.

"Sorry Jacob you already surpassed my base power and I have an oath to only use my power when needed." I nodded and put my head on her lap letting her play with my hair.

"Finally acting like a kid. You were too stuck up back then." She says while caressing my head.

"I was too weak to enjoy such things. Power of love is all and good but it's not wise to love people when you can't even protect yourself."

"I understand, it's good to see you having fun, now tell me, when am I becoming a grandmother."

"Aren't you too young for that?"

"Good answer, I will let you go for now." While we were bantering Martha barged into the room.

"Hey, I want some mother-son moments as well!" And she jumped on top of me...


"Ano, Asao-sama?" I turn around to see a little girl with shoulder-length blonde hair and a wizard's hat?

"Yes." Hearing me confirm she sighed in relief.

"My name is Le Fay, onii-sama asked me to bring this to you. Excalibur Ruler, onii-sama said he has no use for it anymore and would like to return it to the church." Then she pulled out a Holy Sword.

"Then what's with all the stealth?"

"I am hiding from Gremory peerage, they ripped Bikou's tail!" She said while shivering.

I could only provide headpats until she calmed down enough to teleport back.

They're working for that redemption arc, don't they?


"Issei take this thing before it contaminates the rest of us." I handed him the still hungry potential back.

"Sensei! I was looking for this thanks."

"That thing was possessing people to molest women before moving on to another target, I cleaned up the mess though."

"As expected of Oppai Dragon even his potential is perverted." Xenovia muttered causing us to laugh.

"Jacob, that thing doesn't look satisfied." Mary remarked.

"Well, it molested over ten thousand women and we're going back to Kuoh today. I rather keep this thing in my sights." Hearing the number people sucked a cold breath before looking over to Issei.
