Their end was near!

Returning back to his room Yama did not strode towards the bedroom instead strode towards the secluded room which was pitch dark black and was somewhat scary.

Every time after offering blood and bodies to the devil blood tree the Yama would come here for thanking his ancestors as well as their deities for blessing them. Although he did find these things very unimportant, he did not had any other choice. It was a tradition as well as a series of steps which every Asura had to follow. In between the whole room there was a rectangular box which was open from top. It was made from certain metals. And there were some kind of wooden sticks inside as well. There was an unusual fragrance lingering inside the room as well.

Sitting on the mat, Yama closed his legs as he muttered a few words which instantly made the rectangular box to glow with fire. As soon as the bright light eliminating from the the fire made the room brighten, in front where the Yama was sitting there was a big stone statue.

It could not be possibly considered as a statue as it had quite a number of an unrecognisable symbol embedded on it. Crossing his leg he started enchanting a few words as closed his eyes. This was like a meditation time for him to calm his nerves, to calm his mind and as well as his body. The fire flickered and the frantic waves of the fire which were waving seemed to be dancing.

Compared to the calmness at the asuras clan, the serpent's were in a big chaos. With the coming back of the witch from the asuras clan, the news which she has brought with her was a like a big shock to the serpent especially to Mythen as well as mother queen.

"How can this happen? How can Sylia get her powers back?" Mythen slammed his hand on the table in front of him as it flipped upside down with a crashing sound as all the glass objects kept on the table fell on the ground.

Mother Queen who was sitting opposite to him did not had the courage to inform her son that how Sylia had gained her powers back. She could only silently see her son making the whole room at complete mess. If she was to tell him that all this was a result of the failed spell attempt made by her and the Bennett witch. Not only did Sylia had got her powers but she, the mother queen, lost her powers as well. And she knew it was going to take a long time for her to prepare her for regaining the powers.

Mythen's mind was not currently working as he was constantly shouting and breaking everything that was in front of him. Fighting against Sylia's powers were as if the person was taking out water using a sieve instead of a bucket. Fighting against her was something which only a mad person would try and think to do, even the latter would obviously know that he was nothing in comparison to her. Now she had combined her powers along with Yama the head of asuras against whom, the serpents never ever had won a single fight. Their end was near.

Without wasting another moment of seeing her son in such a state, the mother queen stood up from her seat and left. Since she had already lost her powers, it did not mean that there were now not a single witch with them. They still had the original Bennett witch and using her powers, did they still need to fear the asuras?

With this thought in her mind she quickly knocked on a wooden door and it immediately opened making a clack sound.

" What brings you here mother queen? " A hoarse voice followed after the door opened. Hearing the voice one could say that the person was not in a good state. Turning her head, mother queen looked at the source of the voice which was coming and her eyes widened. The head of the witch was lying on a bed surrounded with yellow flowers. Her whole body looked weak, her face looked as if she was sick and she had become too skinny just in a night.

Unable to hide the shocking expression on her face, mother Queen walked towards the head witch and asked.

"What happened to you? You were perfectly fine yesterday." Even her voice contained a tinge of surprise.

The witch coughed a few times before she waved at mother Queen as a gesture, telling her to take a seat. The latter as well followed the gesture and sat in front of the bed of the witch.

"The black blood... This thing its all due to that black blood... *cough *cough *" The witch coughed a few times as she spoke. However the expressions on mother Queen's face were not so good. Since the black blood displayed its effect on the original Bennett witch, it was also possible that there were going to be side effect on her as well.

"This... Is it going to happen with me as well ?" Mother Queen could not help but question. She would never ever dream of herself being in the same condition as the Bennett Witch was in. Her beauty was the most important thing for her in this life and she would never lose it at any cost.

The expressions on the witch's face stiffened as she muttered a few scolding words under her breath. She was in no mood to have a good argument with the mother Queen, so she just shook her head in denial as she said.

" I don't know… these things happened with me for the first time as well... That black blood this all happened for the first time... *Cough *cough*"

Mother Queen's face lost all its color. She did not wish to waste any more seconds as she stood up from her seat and left. Instead of sorting and finding out a way, her mind turned into a complete mess after witnessing what happened with the Bennett Witch.


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