The Life We Live

(Time: 1683 Satsuki, jūgo-nichi, kayōbi (May, 15, Tuesday) (Shōgo: Noon)

(Location: The city of Inari Ōkami) (Hebi province)

The day was hot; the boy struggled to keep moving in the unforgiving heat. In the distance he spotted a well just on the edge of town near a shack in which he could cool off.

He quickly ran over to it, dunking his head and taking long drinks to cool himself.


The water was refreshing and life-giving, he felt rejuvenated.

"Aahhhhh… Jeez, I thought I was gonna die." The boy said.

An old man with a short cane slowly walked over, a stern look on his face.

"You have coin?" He asked.

The boy looked at the man confused and bewildered. "Wha, coin?"

"No coin? No water!" He shouted.


He cracked the ground with his cane, startling the boy.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't know!"

"Begone! No stray dogs allowed here!" He shouted.

The boy quickly ran off towards the town, coming into a large area, bustling with people and small shops.

Looking around the boy saw many signs: "Beautiful jewelry here!", "Weapons Galore!" "Fabulous clothes from the north!". The multitude of different shops fascinated him. Yet he spotted something out of the ordinary.

"Huh? Who's that?"

The boy looked into the corner of a building and saw a dancing man, his hair was a dark brown. He looked to be five foot ten; he wore weaved straw sandals and a black and dark blue hakama.

He had a Tanuki mask with an amigasa. He was prancing around pulling things out of his sleeves and making objects disappear. But right beside him was the familiar naginata he had seen before; the boy ran over to the man.

"Hey! You're that guy who beat that purple monster!" The boy said.

The tanuki masked man looked at him; oblivious and dumb.

"Me? No… I'm just a humble tanuki spreading magic and entertainment for everyone! If you'd be so kind as to entertain me in return?"

The man took off his hat and flipped it over, holding it in front of the boy.

"Oh, Sorry… I don't have any money." He said.

"No money? Then scram!" The man flicked his wrist shooing him away.

"Wait! But I'm sure you're the one who killed that monster! You even have a naginata!"

The boy pointed at the weapon behind him, the man turned to it.


He grabbed the pole and wrapped it in cloth, looking over his shoulder at the boy; he turned back around, removing the cloth.

"This is just my wagasa!" He said.

It was a black wagasa* with green tanuki leaves on it covering the top. (Umbrella)*

"Wha?" Stared Ko.

"See? Just like I said!"

He then stood up, dancing around, lifting his legs while opening and closing the umbrella.

"Ain't no monster killin' guy here!"

The man squatted down in front of the boy face to face.

"So beat it!"

Quickly the boy grabbed the mask, tearing it off the man's face.

"Ah Ha! I knew it was you!" The boy shouted.

He finally got a good look at him; he was in his early twenties with deep blue eyes; he was skinny but well built, he had many tattooed rings on his wrists and arms; given only to those who had committed a crime.

The man looked at him nervously.

"I..uh..crap. Sigh...well you got me kid. What do you want?"

"My name's Ko. Who are you? And why are you dancing around like a fool?" Asked Ko.

"Well excuse me, because this "fool's" name is Tamari, and he needs money."

"Why don't you sell your naginata?" Ko asked.

Tamari clutched his naginata close to him.

"What!? Sell my poor baby? I would never do such a thing!"

"But there's lots of stronger looking weapons at the shops." Ko said.

Tamari looked around. "Those? They're all fake, nothing here is real, that's why it's so cheap.

The real stuff is further in town but it's too expensive to afford."

Ko looked around again; trying to think of some inkling of an idea. "Then what abo…"


"Hm?" Tamari turned towards the noise.

"Get out of here whore!" A guard shouted.

A feeble looking woman lay bruised on the ground. "I-I... But I need money for my child!"

The guard pushed over her tent pitch, spilling a small bowl of hansatsu, waking her child.

"Waaaaaaahhhhh!!" Cried the baby.

"We don't need poor wretches spoiling our city!" Another guard shouted.

"I'm sorry!" The woman pleaded.

"Shut that brat up!" The guard screamed.

The man was about to strike the child when a gust of wind flew past Ko, and the mask was gone from his hand. The guard's fist landed firmly against Tamari's palm.

"Leave her and the child be." He said with a stern tone.

The guard's face contorted in anger. "Argh! You little-!"

He stepped back about to throw another punch. Tamari dodged him causing his straw hat to fall off.

He grabbed the guards arm twisting it and throwing him down, he then pulled out his naginata placing it directly against the guard's throat, with killing intent flowing off of him.

"If you value your life, you'll leave."

"Ugh…" The guard grunted, bruised and humiliated.

The other guard helped his downed partner back to his feet; they then slowly walked away. Ko had run over to Tamari after what had gone down.

"What was that?" Ko asked.

"It's nothing, now...," Said Tamari.

He turned around to the woman taking off his mask and with an honest smile on his face.

"Sorry about that, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, we're fine. My name is Mazushī, thank you for helping us."

She reached over to the pile and held up hansatsu to Tamari.

"It's not much, but…"

Tamari's smile faded to a frown as he pushed her hands back towards her.

"No… You're welcome. Do the guards always push you around?" He asked.

"Well, yes… Everything was fine until the new Daimyo was put in charge..." She said sadly.

"A new lord? Why?" Asked Ko.

"The Shogun of Ebisu decreed it, now the Daimyo has been raising taxes on us and only gives food to a select few families. Everything else is imported..."

Tears began to slide down her face. "We tried reasoning with him, but he just won't-"

Tamari's face turned to a grim expression as he got up, turning his head to the pagoda at the top of the town. He turned back to her with a warm smile on his face.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

He then started to walk toward the pagoda. The woman stumbled to her knees as she grabbed at his ankles pleading.

"No! Don't go! You'll die there!" She begged.

Tamari kept walking without looking back. Mazushī turned to Ko, frightened.

"Please go with him! Help him, we need good people like him!"

Ko gulped and nodded, he then turned to run after Tamari.

(Time: 1683 Satsuki, jūgo-nichi, kayōbi (May, 15, Tuesday) (Yoru/Night)

(Location: The city of Inari Ōkami) (Hebi province)

Tamari crept along the many walls of nearby houses, as he climbed up onto one of the roofs overlooking the main tower. He noticed guards covering the grounds around the pagoda.

Tamari was deep in thought when he suddenly heard a noise and crouched down to avoid detection.

"Aww shoot! I stepped in horse poop!" Yelled the voice.

He looked over the edge and saw Ko.

"What are you doing here!?" Whispered Tamari.

"I came to help!" Ko whispered back.

Tamari pulled at his hair. "No! You're going to get yourself killed!"

"But I can be useful! I'll keep a look out for you!"

Tamari sulked, giving into Ko's offer. "Sigh… fine, just get up here and don't make any noise!"

"Okay!" Replied Ko happily.

Tamari looked for an entrance point on the compound when… /Crash!/

He turned around and looked over the edge.

"What are you doing!?" He asked.

Ko looked up at him from the ground.

"I thought I could stack these chicken crates to make some steps."

Shaking his fists, "What!?" he silently screamed at Ko.

"It'll be quick!" replied Ko.

At this point Tamari was pretty miffed; he took a deep breath to calm himself. "Fine. Just make it quick."

He went back to looking when… /Bang! Crack!/

Tamari looked over his shoulder expecting something; but there was nothing. He went back to observing.

"I'm fine! Just wait a sec. Okay...there we go and here..."

/Crash! Klang! Buk buk Ba-caaah!!/

"I... w-wait..."

/Spring!! Kaboom! Caaaaaahhh!/

Ko stumbled up onto the roof staggering his way over to Tamari covered in scratches, with chicken feathers in his hair.

"Oof...puff...Okay, I ugh… Made it… I'm here…"

He fell face first on the ground next to Tamari, exhausted.

"Sigh… Okay. See that balcony over there?" Said Tamari.

Ko's face lay flat on the ground when he spoke. "Where? I don't see it…"

Tamari yanked Ko's head up pointing to the ledge.

"There, see?" Said Tamari impatiently.

Ko looked up with a dazed expression.

"Oh yeah, how are we going to get over there? It's like twenty roofs away…"

"Oh, you'll see." Said Tamari mischievously.

Tamari stood up, grabbing Ko's shirt neck.

"Heh, hold on!" Yelled Tamari.

"Wait, what are you doing? Tamari? Let's think about this!" Shouted Ko.

Tamari sprinted with Ko in tow, bounding over rooftops and over the heads of unsuspecting citizens; Ko screaming all the way. They ran straight for a large gap in the buildings and the pagoda.

Ko looked up at Tamari; terrified. "You see that right!? How are we going to make that!?"

Tamari grinned looking back at him; Ko turned pale.

"Hold your breath!" Said Tamari.

In a single leap they rocketed off the edge, flying through the starry night sky.

Ko screamed, releasing a high-pitched scream as they soared mid-flight.


Below, two guards could almost make out a strange noise.

"Ya hear that?" Asked the guard.

"What is it?" Said the other.

"I don't know, must be some dying neko* or somethin'." (Cat) *

They drew ever closer to the balcony of the palace, when slowly they began to fall.

A frown made its way across Tamari's face. "Awww crap…"

At the last second, he grabbed the edge of the balcony holding on with one hand. Unfortunately, Ko began slipping from the other.

"Tamari!?!" Screamed Ko.

"Hang on!"

He quickly grabbed his naginata and thrusted the pole end out to Ko. He quickly grabbed the end with life threatening speed.

"Ha! I thought I lost you for a sec!" Said Tamari. "You doing, okay?"

Ko slowly looked up at Tamari, hanging from the pole, a traumatized expression.

"Well thanks, that's so kind of you... PULL ME UP ALREADY!!"

Tamari shifted his grip on the pole and swung it back and up, throwing Ko onto the balcony.

/Bonk!/ "Ugh..." Groaned Ko picking himself up.

Tamari quickly climbed up after him. "See? That wasn't so bad."

Ko stared at him grimly.

Tamari then straightened himself out. "Alright, follow me." They ran inside the palace.


They soon found themselves surrounded in a series of corridors and rooms, stretching out hundreds of feet in every direction.

Tamari examined the area. "Alright, if we're going to get into the Daimyo's room, we're going to have to disguise ourselves as guards."

"But where are we going to find uniforms lying around?" Asked Ko.

"Let's start looking then."

They searched the rooms, some had food, some clothes, others large crates. Ko stumbled into a women's dressing room; half dressed women stopped; staring at Ko with a surprised disgust.

"Uh...sorry…?" He said with a nervous look.

"Kyaaahhhh!! Pervert!!" Screamed the embarrassed women.

They started throwing pots and pans at Ko.

/Bam! Bonk! Clang! Clack!/

Quickly he shut the door; with Tamari soon showing up.

"What's wrong? Did you find something?" He asked.

"Nothing for you to see!" Shouted a flustered Ko.

Two guards came running down the hall after they had heard the commotion.

"What's going on!?" Shouted a guard.

"Quick! In here!" Said Ko hastily.

He grabbed Tamari, shoving him into the women's room. There was a loud scream, then just as fast, they came rushing out, yet with an entirely different wardrobe…

The guards walked up to them. "Hey, are you ladies, okay?"

"Yeah, we heard screaming." Said the other.

Ko spoke in a girlish sounding voice. "Oh no! Nothing wrong here."

Tamari wore a woman's mask, speaking with a less than girly voice.

"Yep! Just us lovely ladies having a good time." Replied Tamari.

"You sure? You sound ill." Asked the guard.

"She's just on her you know "what"..." Said Ko.

The guards laughed, "Oh, I see~"

Tamari elbowed Ko in the ribs. "Oof!"

"I'm fine, no need to worry!" Said Tamari.

"Hey if you're feeling ill why don't we help you?" Asked one of the guards.

"Yeah, I'm very talented at full body massages~"

"Oh! That's so very kind of you...." Said Tamari.

Tamari and the two guards walked down the hall and into a room. Ko stood alone in the hall staring at the door.

/Boom! Pow! Bang!/

Tamari burst out of the room. "I can't believe you made me do that!" He shouted.

Ko twirled around in his kimono; admiring the finely made fabrics.

"It wasn't that bad; these kimonos are kind of nice..."

Tamari frowned stupidly. "Just get in here!"


Moments later the two of them were walking down the main hall dressed as guards.

"Alright... let me do the talking, don't say anything!" Said Tamari.

Ko ignored him, looking to another guard obliviously. "Hello fellow guard! Nice evening?"

The passing man looked at him with a sour scowl. Ko shrank in rejection.

Tamari slapped him upside the head.



They reached the main door where four samurai were waiting outside the room.

Tamari saluted the main officer.

"Sir! I have received intel that we have an intruder in the palace! My orders are to stay here and protect the Daimyo!"

"Thank you, we'll find him. You remain here and make sure no one comes near him." Said the samurai.

Tamari bowed to the men as they went off.

He looked up smirking. "And, in we go."

Ko nodded as Tamari opened the large doors.


Ko was awestruck stepping into the room. "Woooooah! Amazing!"

The room was covered in jade and gold from head to toe, with a balcony that had two large banzai overlooking the lake. As well as a large jade dragon statue standing behind the main chair.

The man sitting in it was obese, with a Chonmage hairstyle. He wore an expensive looking kimono. He was surrounded by gorgeous looking women fawning over him.

Tamari commanded Ko to stay back.

"Hello your excellence! Might you be so kind as to let us join you?" Asked Tamari mockingly.

The man looked up, angered.

"Who are you, peasant!? That you would command such a tone with me!?" Shouted the Daimyo.

Tamari looked at him with a smug and pompous grin. "Oh, me? Just your average filth ridden trash, come to complain about the government."

The man laughed, a low bellow that shook his chest as his fat rippled.

"Ha ha ha! You don't stand a chance against me! You're just another coward looking for a death wish!"

Tamari smiled, drawing his naginata.

"Tch… If you've come to die, so be it!" Shouted the Daimyo.

The man waved his servants away; he stood up, throwing his kimono off, leaving only a loincloth. He took a stance as if inviting himself for an attack. Tamari charged at him, slashing, but the man caught the blade, tossing Tamari.

"Gah!" Yelled Tamari as he hit the wall.

"Ha ha! You'll need to do better than that if you wish to kill me." Laughed the Daimyo.

Tamari got up and ran at the Daimyo sliding under him and slashing at his back.

"Arghh! You wretch!"

"Is that good enough for you?" Remarked Tamari.

The Daimyo turned around, smashing his fists into the ground, spitting the tile. Tamari jumped away avoiding the attack.


The Daimyo grabbed Tamari out of the air.

"I've got you now! Prepared to be crushed!"

"Crap!" Tamari tried his best to break free.

As the man started to squeeze Tamari, Ko rushed in behind the Daimyo, smashing a small gold statue on his head.

"Take that you Chūtoro!*" Ko shouted triumphantly. (Fatty tuna roll)*

The Daimyo became enraged at the small annoyance. "Gah, brat! I'll kill you!"

"Eep!" Yelped Ko.

Ko squeaked in fear; running towards the balcony as the man chased him.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't really mean it! Maybe we can just be friends?"

The man cornered Ko, a look of murderous intent in his eyes. "I'll turn you into paste and eat you for what you've done!"

"Wait!" Shouted Ko.

Just as the Daimyo was about to finish Ko, Tamari ran in, jumping on his back, slashing his eyes.

"Aaahhh! You bastard! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

The large man whirled around throwing punches blindly.

"Hey, I'm over here sumo boy!" Shouted Tamari mockingly.

With tremendous force the man ran at Tamari. "Rahhh!"

In the last second Tamari jumped up grabbing the roof ledge of the balcony as the Daimyo broke through the rail, falling to his death.

"AAAHHHHH!" He screamed as he faded away.

/Boom!/ the Daimyo landed harshly on the rocky ground below.

Citizens gathered, looking down at the obese man. "What!?"

"He's dead..."

"Hey, it's the Daimyo!" A citizen shouted.

"W-we're free! Praise "Shikami"!"

A loud uproar came from below the balcony as the citizens cheered.

Tamari looked over the edge, smiling.

"Well, it looks like my work here is done. Come on Ko, let's get out of here… Ko?"

The doors suddenly slammed open as dozens of armed guards piled through.

"My lord are you alright?" They all looked at Tamari.

"Uhhh...He did it!"

Tamari pointed over to Ko as he was busy stealing whatever golden objects he could find.

"Seize them!" Commanded the samurai.

Tamari quickly grabbed Ko. "Alright Ko, time to book it!"

Causing him to drop his precious valuables.

"Awwww come on! I was gonna be rich!" Whined Ko.

"How are you supposed to be rich if you're dead?" He said unsympathetic.

Ko watched as they began racing towards the edge of the balcony. "No! Not again!"

Tamari jumped off with Ko screaming into the night.


Mazushī watched them from the crowd below, her baby held in her arms, as tears flowed from her eyes.

"...Thank you..."