Don't I Know You?

(Time: 1683 Satsuki, nijūsan-nichi, suiyōbi (May,23,Wednesday)

(Mayonaka: Midnight) (Location: The city of Ebisu) (Hitsuji province)

They stood a hundred meters away from the front gate of the Shiro*, gazing at its majesty. Finely made craftsmanship could be seen in every aspect of the castle; it was a breathtaking view. (Japanese Castle)*

"How can it be that those who have everything, take from those who have nothing?"

Asked Tamari.

"They must be consumed by their own greed…" Replied Ko.

"Come on! Let's just get going already!!" Yelled Senshi hastily.

They walked towards the front gate. Three guards stood on patrol at the entrance.

"Halt!" Shouted a guard.

"Only those who have an audience with the Shogun may enter!" Said another.

Tamari nodded at Senshi. She grinned, racing forward the two men: taking them by surprise.

"What!?" "Stay back!" They shouted as she ran towards them.

"Sleep awhile kay?" Said Senshi.

She swiftly stopped in front of one of the guards, sending her momentum through him with a blow to the stomach. The second guard tried to slash at her with his spear, but she dodged it, breaking the spear with her knee.

She smashed her head into his, causing him to blackout.

"Haah!" Tamari came in, striking a guard with the blunt edge of his blade.

"Blast!" Shouted a guard.

He tried to strike Tamari; but he spun around, smacking him with his pole end.

/Whack!/ The guard fell over unconscious.

She then struck a triumphant pose. "Ha ha! That was fun!"

/Clap!/ Senshi and Tamari high fived, smiling. "Hehe"

"Jeez…" Said Ko.

Tamari kept moving forward, walking through the gate. "Alright, let's keep going."

As they walked through the courtyard a gunman spotted them, sounding the alarm.

Ryōken sniffed the air, beginning to growl. They stopped as hundreds of armed men carrying an assortment of different weapons closed in on them from all corners of the castle.

"Cease your actions or you will be fired upon!" Yelled a Guard.

Ryōken tensed up. "Growl…"

"You wanna take care of this?" Asked Tamari.

Ryōken started to change, white stripes began to crawl and slither around his body as he grew to twice his size; his eyes turning plum red.

He moved back as if loading a spring, then shot forward like lightning, ricocheting around the courtyard. Ko watched as every time he moved past a guard; the guard would suddenly burst into a pile of mangled flesh and bones.

Ko was terrified at the ferociousness that Ryōken displayed.

Tamari turned Ko's head forward as they walked through the main door.

"It's better not to look, just keep moving."

As they ran, they could hear noises behind them, the echoes of men screaming and wailing in horror.

"The main room should be at the top of the shiro!" Said Senshi.

As they ran, rabid dogs began to chase after them, the dogs were starved, with foam frothing from their mouths.

"Ko, take this!" Tamari threw him a Tanto (short sword).

"What do I do with this!?" Asked Ko.

"Ugh... Kill the dogs!" Replied Tamari.

Just as he spoke, a dog lunged at Ko, he quickly unsheathed the blade and held it close to him. The dog jumped on Ko, causing the tanto to stab into its stomach.


"Aro!" The dog wailed in pain falling on its back, bleeding out.

"Haha-!" Laughed Ko nervously.


As more dogs came, they're clothes began to become stained with blood, the stench beginning to linger on them.

"Ewww, now I smell like dog." Complained Senshi.

Tamari bopped her on the head.

/Bonk!/ "Ow!"

"Quit complaining, we're almost to the top."

They soon arrived at the door to the Shoguns private chamber.

It was surrounded by many soldiers. "You will not make it to the shogun!"

"We'll see about that!" Shouted Senshi. She grabbed onto a limb of a maple tree. "Tamari!"

"On it!" He ran towards the tree, striking at the trunk with his naginata.

The tree splintered, breaking off from the stump.

"What is she doing?" Asked a guard.

She rocked the tree, tilting it forward; then with all her strength swung the massive tree into the guards. "Ngh...Watch out~!"


"Argh!" Gaaah!!" "Ayieee!!" The men were sent flying as the door was broken through.

Ko covered his eyes as pieces of wood flew everywhere. "Woah."

She looked back at them, giving a thumbs up. "Hah..hah... Cool right?" Asked Senshi.

"Uh huh, keep tellin' yourself that." Replied Tamari.

Senshi thrusted her arms down, pouting. "Hmf- Rude!"

"And you're a showoff." He added.

"But the only friends you ever make are weird!" She mocked.

"Aren't you, my friend?" He asked.

"Besides me!" She shouted. "I'm the exception!"

"And you're my "best" friend, right?" He smirked.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She screamed. "Let's just find this guy already!"

Ko watched them uselessly argue; he heard the sounds of footsteps coming up the stairs as fifteen men wearing karuta* appeared behind them; all armed with swords and spears. They looked dangerous, as if each were an army on their own. (Samurai armor)*

Ko tugged on both of their clothing. "Uh, guys?"

"What!?" They both shouted.

"You will be executed for challenging the mighty shogun!" Shouted the samurai.

They both held blank expressions as they noticed the men. "Oh..."

Senshi stepped in front of them. "You go on ahead. I'll take care of them."

"Are you sure?" Asked Tamari.

Senshi looked back at them, winking. "Think it's time to show you what I've got~"

He handed her some talismans. "Right, make sure to come back…"

She grinned with a cheeky grin. "Heh, was there any ever doubt?"

Tamari and Ko ran through the entrance and into the chamber hall.

"Is it really okay to just leave her with them?" Asked Ko.

"If you should be worrying about anyone, it's them." Replied Tamari.


Senshi slapped herself to get focused "Hmf! Let's go!"

"Stand down little girl, and we will make this painless." Said the head samurai.

"I'm not little, I'm twenty! And you can shove it!"

She then vanished.

"What!? Where did she go!" Yelled the samurai.

"Right here~!"

They all turned around, yet in that exact moment Senshi struck the ground creating a massive crater sending them all flying.


The chamber was ginormous, there was more space in this one room than most houses had. Tall marble pillars that reached to the heavens, holding the ceiling. The floor was made of a black stone, which had been sanded to the point of perfection.

The walls were a combination of gold and stone. The gold was strung through the rock in a spiral design, cast all over the room; there were ivory statues lining the walls as well, covered in priceless gemstones: rubies, sapphires, emeralds, even diamonds. In the very end of the room sat a large table and chair, it was foreboding in every aspect of the word.

Behind it, two large statues: To the left, a powerful looking Oni striking a menacing pose; wearing a cloth around its neck and waist.

To the right, a sagely monk wearing long robes. It held a large naginata in its hands, looking as if he was preparing for war. Ko was puzzled by the statue, if monks used a naginata, why did Tamari use one too?

Tamari handed Ko a mask. "Here put this on." He said.

The mask was of a monkey. While Tamari slipped on a different mask, it was the face of a man, his face was white with red stripes. It was the mask of fury.

At the end of the room sat a man; a very large, obese man; too big to be able to move or function properly.

He was bald, looked to be forty, he wore a very extravagant looking kimono. It was gold with jade turtles on it. In front of him was a magnificent feast; with an assortment of different foods, as if prepared by the Gods.

Yet, why did Ko feel so uneasy… The food looked pleasing but gave off a nauseating smell that hung in the air. It was the smell of bodies, rotting, with liquifying insides.

Ko tried to not empty the contents of his stomach.

The man gorged himself on the food; until he stopped, sniffing the air. He looked up, staring directly at them.

"Ahhh… I see I have some uninvited to join me?" Asked the man.

"No." Replied Tamari with a stern gaze.

"That's too bad… It would be a shame to waste all this delicious food."

He grabbed a large roast, sucking it down, bone and all. Ko cringed with disgust.

"You do know that I am the Shogun, and you are trespassing, no?" Asked the man.

"Yes, we do." Replied Tamari.

"Oh? And you do know the punishment is death, don't you?" Smirked the man.

Tamari took out his naginata. "I could say the same for you, demon."

The large man laughed; echoing throughout the chamber, it wasn't any sound a human would make.

"Ahhh... you must be the boy Nise spoke of!" He said.

"Nise?" Asked Tamari confused.

"Yes… She told me of two boys who ended her fun with the little cult she had."

"How do you..."

The man stood up, bowing to Tamari. "My name is Taberu "The Consuming". It is a pleasure to finally meet you…"

"Rgh… Enough games! We came for a young boy! He was with his elder brother who carried this necklace!"

He held up the blue yin necklace. "...Where is he!?" Shouted Tamari.

The man stroked his many chins, deep in thought. "Hmm? Elder brother... Ugh, there were so many..."

"Oh, do you mean the boy who slit his throat?" Asked Taberu.

He scanned the room, looking for someone. "Why is he not with you?" He asked.

Tamari looked at him with a confused expression. "What?"

He looked at them condescending, placing his massive head on his palm.

"I knew the boy still lived so I let him go; I'd hoped he would come back in order to save his brother." He said with a false smile.

"It would have been a wasted effort, but it's so fun to watch someone's face contort in despair when they realize all hope is lost. I guess it was a waste to hold on to this."

He threw a red yang necklace to the ground. /Clack..clink!/

"Argh… Where is the boy!?" Shouted Tamari.

"Sigh… Did you not hear me?" Asked Taberu, annoyed.

Ko looked at Tamari hopelessly, realizing what he meant. "Tamari he..."

Taberu sneered a sinister, malice filled grin. "He's right here…" he said, touching his stomach.


He corseted his stomach as he spoke. "Oh… Yeeeeees, such is the privilege given to those worthy. He made such beautiful screams as I played with him. I simply had to; now his wails of agony live on forever inside me. That is the fate of those that peak my interest..."

Ko heard Tamari's knuckles crack as his veins bulged; in an instant Tamari had ascended in the air, poised to strike at Taberu's heart.

"You Bastard!!"

Taberu grabbed Tamari by the leg, throwing him into one of the pillars.

/Wham!/ "Gaah!"

Tamari stood up, throwing a white paper ball at Taberu, it popped covering the area in smoke.

Taberu lurched forward in his chair, searching for Tamari. "Hmmmm? Where did you go?"

Tamari fell from above landing on his head, carving open Taberu's face.


He shook Tamari off, slamming him to the ground.

"Gah!" Shouted Tamari.

Ko ran at Taberu jumping over the table and stabbing into his stomach. He ran across the table with his tanto, carving a long line across his belly.

"You trash!" Shouted Taberu.

Tamari rushed him with his naginata slashing at his chest with vigorous speed.

"Enough!" Taberu threw the table back, smashing it against the wall.

Sending Tamari and Ko flying; Taberu stepped forward and began to change.

He grew three times his size; his skin turning purple with red veins covering his body and eyes sprouting up along his arms.

He grew a large mask on his stomach which opened up, exposing a second mouth; its tongue covered in smaller mouths.

His teeth became long and hooked while his eyes, a disgusting shade of green. His wounds began to heal.

"You cannot hope to defeat me. For I am a Noh General!"

"I don't care! General or not! What you've done can never be forgiven!" Shouted Tamari.

Taberu's demeanor became cold and heartless. "I never asked for forgiveness."

His tongue stretched out, grabbing Tamari, raising him into the air.

"I don't need forgiveness from anyone, much less you. I take what I want. I devour what I desire. I am Taberu the Consuming! I will steal everything this land has!"

Tamari could feel Taberu starting to squeeze him. He struggled to regain his strength against this overwhelming force.

"Ah! Ngh...Gah!"

"Tamari!" Shouted Ko.

As he jerked around his mask slipped off, falling to the floor. /Clack! Tack../

Taberu's expression changed, a surprised smile touching his lips. "Oh? I know you..."

Tamari stopped, staring at him with silent confusion.

"Yes… You're the little monk boy the emperor is after."

"You slaughtered the others at Kishin Temple, didn't you?" Said Taberu sinisterly.

Ko watched with a look of hopeless confusion. "What…?"

"Shut it." Commanded Tamari.

"So you are him… How did it feel, killing your fellow monks like they were mere insects?" Taberu said Jokingly.

Tamari shouted with absolute lividness. "I Said Be Quiet!"

"As they prayed for their souls to be saved."

A dark aura engulfed Tamari: with tremendous force he broke free from Taberu's grasp.

Landing on his feet, he donned the sacred mask; an aura of strength and ferocity radiating off him.

"Pray to the gods for mercy, For I. Have. None!!"