A Child's Acceptance

(Time: 1683 Minazuki, jūsan-nichi, kayōbi (June,13,Tuesday) (Hitsuji province)

(Mayonaka: Midnight)

"Gah! Ah! Hah..hah...You accursed human!" Screamed Byōki, coughing up blood.

Tamari walked up to the crying Futan; wiping away her tears he said. "Thanks for holding onto this for me."

He walked up to the dying lizard, stomping his warazori* on Byōki's skull.

(Straw sandal)*

"Welp, no one said being a parent would be easy huh?" He smirked.

"Curse you, damn you to hell!" He scowled.

"Hm, I think you're due for a time out." Grinned Tamari. "You've been a very naughty boy..."

"I don't need your humiliation! End it already!" He screamed.

Tamari cocked his head. *Sigh* "...Some people just don't have a sense of humor..."

He raised his weapon up; /Shunk!/

Byōki's body began to crumple away into dust as Tamari pulled his blade away, leaving a green scaled mask behind, broken.

Tamari bent down to pick it up; he walked over to Futan giving the mask to her.

"I believe this is yours." He said.

Futan looked up at him, her eyes raw with tears. "I-I... thank you..."

Tamari smiled. Then he turned around, walking over to Senshi.

Ko held his side as he limped his way over to Futan. "Ar-are you going to be, okay?" He asked.

She looked up at him, wiping away her tears. "I-I don't know..."

"It-it's okay... I'm sure "he" loved you..." Ko said.

Futan looked down at the mask. "I'm sure my father did... I just wish he could have told me."


"Oi, Futan, come help me with these logs…" said a black haired sickly man.

"Coming Father!" Yelled a younger Futan.

"God damnit! Look *cough!* what you did!" Yelled the man, "You had one job!"

"I- I'm sorry Father, I'll fix it right away!"

"You better-" he scolded, "and don't come home until *cough* you've cleaned this mess...dumb brat…"

Futan tired and hungry, finally made her way back to the genkan; inside she found a warm bowl of miso waiting for her. She looked to her father who had already fallen asleep.

She smiled and cried while eating the miso, still warm.


A happily honest yet sad look made its way onto her face.

Closing her eyes, she tightened her grip on the mask, shattering it like glass. "..."

Ko held out his arms, hugging her.

She hugged him, burying her face in Ko's chest, crying, one final time.

Time: 1683 Minazuki, Jūyokka jūyon-nichi, suiyōbi (June,14,Wednesday)

(Hitsuji province) (Asa: Morning)

Futan and Ko stood at the edge of the house. Ko lit a torch, handing it to Futan.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"Yeah, I can't let this place control my life. I need to move on and look forward." She said with confidence.

She threw the torch and turned away.

The torch bounced off the roof and landed in the bushes, creating a small fire.

Ko noticed the fire, turning to her. "Uhh, hey Futan? You might want to lo-"

"Nope!" She said abruptly. "No looking back!"

The fire began to spread further, engulfing the area.

Futan walked with pride as the fire grew. "Yep, I'm moving forward! New outlook on life! Yup!"

By this time the fire had covered the general area. "Well, that's great and all but maybe let's "move forward" a bit faster." Said Ko as he began pushing Futan.

"Ah!" She yelped.


The four of them stood in a path next to an open field.

The wind made the tall yellow fields sway as the bright blue sky shone above them.

"What do you mean she can't come with us!?" Yelled Ko.

"I mean she can't come with us!" Replied Tamari. "It's too dangerous where we're headed. Just look at what happened to Senshi!"

Senshi waved; she was covered in bandages but altogether okay.

"It's okay, I can walk to the nearest town…" Said Futan.

"But that's miles away!" Said Ko.

She looked at him sincerely. "I'll be fine-"

"No." Sighed Tamari. "He's right; we can't leave you alone like that. But taking you there ourselves would set us off course...Ugh, damn." He frowned.

Senshi stood deep in thought.

"Senshi? Do you have something to share?" Asked Tamari

She held her head in her hand. "Almost...wait, no… Yes!"

"Yeah?" Said Ko.

Senshi pulled out the crescent moon talisman Tenshu had given her.

"We can ask Ryōken to carry her to the town!" She said happily.

"But wasn't that supposed to be used in emergencies?" Asked Tamari.

"Shut up!" She barked. "This is an emergency!"

She twitched as a pain shot through her body. "Ugh..."

"Don't overdo it..." Cautioned Tamari.

She held up the talisman and chanted. "Shōkan!*" (Summon)*

A thick black smoke spilled out of the paper. Slithering out; gathering in a black cloud.

Futan clung to Ko frightened "W-What's happening?" She stuttered frightenedly.

"Don't worry, It's okay..." Reassured Ko.

An ominous looking creature with a plum red eye appeared inside the cloud.

"AHHHH! It's a monster!!" Screamed Futan.

Ryōken stepped out of the smoke; he yawned, taking a seat.

"Heh..." Grinned Tamari.

"Awwwww! Inu!" Squealed Futan.

She ran over to Ryōken hugging him, Ryōken sighed a breath of air.

"Now don't be like that. You need to take Futan to the nearest village." Said Senshi sternly.

Ryōken looked at her apathetically.

"Please?" begged Senshi.

Ryōken sighed, bending over he let Futan onto his back.

"Hold on Futan, Ryōken's going to carry you." Said Tamari.

"Alright, thank you all so much..." She looked at Ko. "...For everything."

Ko smiled and waved goodbye.

They all waved farewell as Ryōken took off down the path.

"Do you think we'll ever see her again...?" Asked Ko with a solemn face.

"Hope so-" Senshi replied.

Tamari nudged Ko. "Well, if we do, we'll ask her to make more Imagawayaki for you." Joked Tamari.

"Heh, yeah... wait a sec'... Hey!" Shouted Ko.