A Father's Expectations (Part 2)

Time: 1683 Uzuki, jūsan-nichi, kin'yōbi (April,13,Friday)

(Hirusagari: Mid-Afternoon) (Hebi province)

The sun hung on the horizon; an orangish yellow, painting the trees a vibrant amber color. A cool breeze blew through the valley, the trees swayed as the birds chirped and the other small animals made their way through the calm forest.

Otōsan and his men neared a small lake; he raised his hand, stopping his troop.

"Well rest here." Said Otōsan.

"Yes, sir!" Shouted the soldiers in unison.

The men behind Otōsan stood a unit of fifty. Each, a honed veteran wearing red Ashigaru armour with silver linings and black jingasa hats made of iron.

Otōsan removed his green kabuto helmet, wiping his brow. "Rōtasu, come with me." He said.

Out of the group of men came Rōtasu; she carried herself with little confidence, stumbling around them.

"Y-yes, sir!" She replied squeamishly.

Both of them started making their way over to a small genkan at the edge of the lake.

"The villagers of this area have reported an unnatural disturbance of akuma appearing in this region." He said.

Rōtasu looked at him nervously. "So, we were tasked to eliminate the demons?" Asked Rōtasu.

"Correct." He replied.

They walked up to the genkan, standing in the doorway. Inside, they met an old married couple; the woman skinny, she wore an old blue kimono; the old man was rotund, he wore a black and light blue donza*. (Fishersmancoat)*

The old man looked up in their direction, his eyes white and milky.

"Pāru? We have company, who are they?" He asked.

"Hm?" The woman looked up from her cleaning. "Kujira, its Imperial Guard!" She said surprised.

"What? The Imperial Guard?" Answered Kujira.

Otōsan bowed. "I am Colonel Otōsan of the Roikara, this is First Lieutenant Rōtasu."

Kujira got up from his seat, walking over to Otōsan and Rōtasu, measuring them up with his glossed lids.

She knew he couldn't see, but even so, Rōtasu was nervous with this man so close.

"Uhmm..." She mumbled.

"Begone!" Said Kujira. "We don't need any of the emperor's lackeys here!" He shouted, shooing them away.

Otōsan's expression grew stern as he furrowed his brow. "I advise you to take back your words…"

"Oh yeah?" Said Kujira. He spat on Otōsan's Waraji*. "I don't answer to no one. I may be blind, but I'll beat you black and blue." He said, raising his fist. (Samurai foot attire)*

Otōsan began to draw his wakizashi; suddenly, Pāru rushed between them.

"Please forgive him Colonel." She bowed. "He means no disrespect; he is only upset with our current affairs."

"Hm." Otōsan sheathed his blade.

"Hmf!" Kujira turned around, sitting back down, a sour look on his face.

"May we discuss this matter over tea?" Asked Otōsan. "It seems you've forgotten your hospitality."

"Oh! Of course!" Said Pāru. "My apologies."


They sat at the table, enjoying an herbal tea that Pāru had grown from her garden. It had a light taste but an earthy aroma.

"We've heard tell of uncanny appearances of akuma coming from this area." Otōsan stated. "Would you perhaps know the source?"

Pāru looked down to the floor, fiddling with her thumbs. "It is true; they have become restless... They seem to come from the mountain. Perhaps the torii*-" (Gate)*

"Torii?" Questioned Otōsan.

"Yes." Pāru nodded. "Up on mount. Kame there has always been a torii cleansing the mountain; keeping the demons at bay. But for some reason, it was destroyed about two months ago." She said.

Otōsan thought.

"Otōsan?" Said Rōtasu, noticing Otōsan's contemplation.

"The torii's been up there for a long time." Said Kujira. "It was put up there by some Monk."

He stood up, walking to the window; he peered up at the mountain. "I've been up there hundreds of times and I haven't seen nothin'!" He said.

"Hm, I see..." Said Otōsan, standing up from his spot.

"Then we'll head up the mountain and investigate. Rōtasu, come with me." He said, moving towards the door.

"R-right!" She replied. She bowed to Pāru. "T-thank you for the tea... It was good!"

Pāru smiled. "Thank you, that's very nice of you to say."

Kujira slapped Rōtasu on the back. "Gah ha ha ha ha!" He laughed. "At least someone has manners!"

"Please d-don't say that!" Said Rōtasu nervously.

"Huh?" Questioned Kujira. "What are you tryin' ta say?" Kujira stepped up to her, eyeing her up with his intense gaze.

"Please forgive him!" She bowed. "Otōsan is a very nice man! He's just a bit too serious at times!" Her cheeks turned bright red. She was so nervous.

Pāru looked at Kujira, who looked ahead, his expression solemn. "..."

"Heh, well if ya say so." Said Kujira.

Rōtasu looked up at them. "Wah?"

"If a kind lass like you thinks so, then it must be true." Grinned Kujira.

Pāru cupped Rōtasu's hands. "You're such a kind girl, you must really love your father..."

Rōtasu's face turned bright red. "N-no! He's not my father!" She said, waving her hands.

"Oh?" Replied Pāru. "I just thought..."

"I just serve under him that's all! Nothing blood related!" Said Rōtasu. "We're not family."

"Heh, you may say that kid..." Kujira and Pāru joined hands. "But "true" family flows thicker than blood."

Rōtasu looked out to the lake, spotting Otōsan signaling her to come back.

She cracked a sincere smile, turning back to them. "Thank you-" She replied.

Pāru and Kujira smiled. "Now go on back to him." Said Kujira. "He needs a kind person like you."

Rōtasu turned around, running out the door, meeting up with Otōsan.

"What were you discussing with them?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing..." Said Rōtasu cheerfully.

"Hm, let's hope it does not distract you from the task at hand."

Rōtasu smacked her cheeks, looking eagerly up at him. "It won't!"

Otōsan grinned. "Hm, then come. We head for the mountain!" He shouted.

"Yes, sir!" Shouted the troops.