Love and Honor

Mt. Kame resonated with the roar of battle. Sparks flashed as steel clashed with demons, illuminating the night.

"Keep pressing forward men!" Shouted Otōsan.

A wall of spears was erected, pushing the monsters back; while many that broke through were met with swords.

"You believe this will stop us?" Hissed the crimson snake.

He whipped his tail, commanding several demons to the front; they're jaws gaped open as they expelled a hideous green gas.

"Gah!" Screamed a soldier. "Ahh! Hack!" Coughed another.

"Otōsan, it's poison!" Yelled Rōtasu.

"Fall back!" Commanded Otōsan.

The men retreated away from the smoke as the demons continued their assault.

"How will you fight now dear Colonel?" Sneered the snake. "One breath and your men are done for..."

Otōsan looked back towards the trees. "Archers, advance!"

Arrows rained down from the forest, taking out many of the smaller demons coming from the smoke.

"Hm, such a method may be effective...," Said the snake. "But only temporary..."

Larger demons continued to push through, wounding the Roikara's frontal defense.

"Don't come any closer!" Shouted Rōtasu.

She spread her arms out, pulling a barrier of sharp wire between them.

It held them for a time but Rōtasu's muscles began to ache.

"Ngh..." She grunted.

"You are out of options dear Colonel." Hissed the snake. "If you run, my demons will catch you; and if you proceed, you will suffocate on poison." He smiled a sinister grin. "You are trapped..."

"Tch..." Scowled Otōsan. He scanned the wall of gas, looking at his men.

"Roikara!? Do you wish to sulk your heads, living in shame or raise them high, and die in triumph!?"

The men shouted back. "Triumph!" Their words echoing throughout the land.

"Then honor me with your names!" Replied Otōsan. "So that I may sing praises of men such as you!"

"Iō Naka my Colonel!" Replied a soldier.

"Mokutan Tadachi!"

"Shōsankariumu, Sir!" Yelled another.

"Kayaku dokai! Thank you, sir!"

Many men shouted their names, a look of pride and courage burning in their eyes.

Otōsan gave a small prayer; he then pulled out a gun. "Thank you; your Emperor, as shall I, will never forget your noble sacrifice." He held up the gun, pointing directly at the snake.

The snake looked at him, frightened and bewildered. "What!?"

The men roared, charging forward through the gas, pushing the demons back.

"Live forever in the heart of battle, O' men of valor..." He pulled the trigger, firing the gun. "...Banzai."

A spark appeared, igniting the gas. The summit erupted in a vast blaze of fire; many demons screamed in pain as they were burned to ash.

"Argh, no!" Screamed the snake.

"Second assault advance! Block them in!" Roared Otōsan.

The remaining soldiers flanked the demons, boxing them in. The snake demon whipped around furiously; watching as the demons were pushed against him. "What is happening!?"

Otōsan raised his hand. "Fire!"

Archers and soldiers began firing everything they had at the demons, laying waste to their numbers. The snake watched as his underlings fell one by one around him; his calm composure turning to one of startled anger.

"No-no-no-no!" He roared. "I will not let this stand!"

The jagged markings on his back began to glow a luminescent green. The many corpses of demons began to twitch as snakes made their way out.

"O-Otōsan... I don't like this." Said Rōtasu as she watched the snakes gather.

"Calm yourself, the dawn of battle has finally risen."

The many smaller serpents gathered around the crimson snake, merging with its skin. It soon began to grow larger, shedding profusely.

Its skin began to crack as a thick smog poured out, making the atmosphere become toxic. The head and tail of the snake began to split apart, reforming. A deep fear slithered its way through the soldiers.

"I am the son of the mighty Orochi...," Said the snake; breathing out black smoke from its seven heads, petrifying anything it touched. "...I am Yamata no Shinku! The eternal serpent of blood!"

The red monstrosity towered over them, completely engulfing the summit. The men shivered in silence; too afraid to scream or flee.

"Tch..." Otōsan unsheathed his wakizashi. "Roikara, hold your ground and wait for my command!"

"Your blades will do little now dear Colonel..." Grinned Shinku. "In my true form I am near God-like." He raised his many tails to the night sky, engulfing the moon. "Now perish..."

"Shield yourselves!" Commanded Otōsan.

Shinku struck the earth, rocking the mountain to its very core. Kicking up a storm of dust and debris; many men were thrown back in the chaos.

"Ngh..." Otōsan stood up, his back mildly injured from protecting Rōtasu.

She stared at him flustered as he stepped away. "Otōsan...?"

He looked back at her, a stern expression across his face. "Stay here, I shall deal with him myself..." He stepped forward waving his hand. "Lay down a suppressing fire!"

The remaining men drew their rifles and bows, firing at the large snake. Otōsan rushed the demon, slashing away at its belly.

"Your attempts are futile!" Shouted Shinku.

His mouth gaped open, exhaling smoke on to the soldiers. They're bodies froze, turning to stone. "Gah!" "Help Colonel!" "Argh!"

"Damn..." Otōsan climbed onto Shinku's back; running his way up the demon's spine he grabbed three arrows. "Hah!" Stabbing them into some of its many eyes.

"Gaaaah!!" Screamed Shinku. He shook Otōsan off, blowing a cloud of smoke at him.

"Otōsan!?" Screamed Rōtasu.

He swung his blade, cutting the cloud in two. "Ngh..."

But the wakizashi soon began to transmute into rock, shattering in his hands.

"Ahhhh, your katana is no more..." Sneered Shinku. "What will you do now?"

He dropped the hilt of his sword; Otōsan's expression darkened. "You believed this to be a katana...?"

Instantly, Shinku felt a chilling cold engulf the summit. "Wha- Gah!" His eyes darted behind him; his torso had been cut off. The wound wouldn't bleed for it had frozen shut with a black ice.

"Gaahh! Ahhh!" Screamed Shinku. "Wha- what is this!?"

Otōsan held up a katana; its grip a fine woven white, with a golden guard encrusted with silver designs of falling snow. The pummel of the blade was black with a long royal blue cloth. The blade itself was black, with two royal blue lines running down the blade; they ran long and jagged, connecting at the tip. At the beginning of the blade lay a kanji, carved into the blade: "Judgment".

Otōsan exhaled an icy cloud of breath. "Prepare yourself... For the cold embrace of death will soon be upon you..." He took his stance, eyes full of valor and righteous fury.