The parade 2

Alex, Heidi and Marilyn both walked into the huge halls. The blond girl walked with the slightly older Butler while Marilyn walked slowly behind them. As they walked in, they spotted two men seared in the living room. One had blond short hair and had his back facing the three. The other man was seated with his right side facing them. He also had short hair which had been brushed neatly to the side. His hair was brown and very neat. He and the blond man seemed to be talking about something as the blond man continued to type on the laptop that was resting on his lap.

The man with brown hair was the first to spot the three. He stopped talking as soon as he saw them and had his attention in their direction. That made the blond man look at the direction the other was looking at.

"Heidi? I thought you said you were going to stay with Marilyn. What are you doing here?" he said and put the laptop on the table.

"Hello father. Actually I came to get my purse. I forgot it in mom's bag. And I also wanted to see if I left my notebook here." Heidi answered.

"Oh," her father said and picked up his laptop again and continued typing.

"Well, I will take my leave then. Please excuse me," Alex said and left before anyone could say anything else.

"Oh hi, Heidi. I see you brought a friend with you. I hope you are doing well though," the brown haired man said.

"Hello, Anthony. How are you doing?" Heidi replied with a fake smile on her face.

"I am good. Anyway I and Marilyn are going up to my room. See you later," Heidi said and held Marilyn's hand. She quickly dragged her to her room upstairs while Anthony kept staring at the girls till they were out of sight.

"Did you see the girl with Heidi?" Anthony asked Heidi's father.

"Who? Marilyn? Yeah. She is Heidi's best friend. Why do you ask?" Heidi's father asked him, not tearing his eyes away from the laptop.

"She is very pretty. I think I like her," Anthony said.

What Anthony said made Heidi's father, Bruce, sharply turn his attention towards his friend.

"Wait, what? You did not just say you like her, did you?"

"I just did. I really like her. She is really pretty."

"Come on, you can't be serious. She is the same age as Heidi. And don't tell me you don't have anybody in your heart now," Bruce said.

Anthony was taken aback by Bruce's comment. "I don't have anyone. Come on, why would I? You know I hardly have time because of the record company and all that. I have lots of work and really don't have time for a relationship."

"I see. I hear you," Bruce said and went back to typing on his laptop.

"Where does she live? I really want to get to know her," Anthony said.

"Well, you can ask Heidi when you get the time. Anyway, today is the parade. I am sure she will be there tonight," Bruce said.

Anthony leaned back in his seat and smiled. Tonight, he was going to see the African princess and get to know her.

Back in Heidi's room, Marilyn was seated at the foot of the bed as Heidi changed into something else. She still had some of her clothes at her father's house and had come back to get changed into some of them.

"Heidi, can I ask you a question? Who was that man with your father?" Marilyn asked.

"Who? Anthony Willis? That's my father's best friend. The one I told you he was hosting. Why do you ask?" Heidi asked as she put on her jeans.

"Nothing. It's just that he looks very handsome," Marilyn said shyly.

"Oh no. Don't! Just don't," Heidi said, her eyes suddenly turning dark.

"Hey, I didn't even say anything. I only said he was handsome. Why are you suddenly like that?"

Heidi sighed dramatically and sat down on the bed while her body bounced a bit.

"It's not like I don't want you to have anything to do with him. Anthony has been my father's best friend for a very long time. And I can say I know him well enough. But there is something about that man, which doesn't really sit well with me. I don't know. I might just be insinuating things but I really don't seem to get him. I feel like he is hiding something."

"But he seemed nice..."

"Yes he is nice when you get to know him. But do you know that man has never gotten married even though he is the same age as my dad? It's weird," Heidi cut in.

Marilyn suddenly burst into laughter. "That's it? Is that why you think he might be hiding something? Come on Heidi. The man must have a reason for being single till now. You can't say because of that he is hiding something."

Heidi shrugged her shoulders and began putting back her shoes on. "Well you may be right. But i still don't like him. And, I will ask you to be careful around him. I am sure he will be coming to the parade. And I also saw the glances you two were exchanging earlier."

"What? No. No we were not exchanging any glances. How did you even see that if you were standing in front of me the entire time?" Marilyn said as her cheeks blushed.

"You can't hide anything from me, Mary. I am your friend. But, all I can say is that, be careful. Okay?" Heidi said and got up.

"Let's go," she said and opened the door. Marilyn got up and followed her out.

The girls came downstairs and met the men now watching television. Heidi's mother, Alice had joined the men and was seated by her husband. She has long black hair and has brown eyes. She stepped out when Heidi had first entered the house.

"Mom?" Heidi called out when she saw her.

Her mother turned and looked at her direction. When she saw her daughter, she quickly got up and went to hug her daughter.

"When did you come in? I was not told you were in the house?" she said as she held her daughter in her arms.

"I came in a while ago. Where did you go, mom?" Heidi replied.

"I just went out to get some things for the parade. By the way, I want you to come home tonight. We will be hosting a party for the youth of the town."


"Yes. And hey, how are you Marilyn? I did not see you there," Alice said, looking very surprised.

"I am fine Mrs Alice. How about you?"

"I am okay, ma'am."

"So, what brings the two of you here anyway?" Alice asked her daughter.

"Oh, Marilyn and I are going out shopping. We are going to get our costumes for the parade."

"Oh ok. Then you girls should hurry then. But be back as quickly as you can. I don't want us to be late for the parade, okay?"

"Yes mom. We should get going now. See you later, mom."

"Bye girls," Alice said as the girls walked out the door.