You are beautiful

Marilyn tried on her dress when she finally got home. Heidi, for some reason, decided to go back home to be with her family for the day. She wanted to spend time with them before the parade. She even invited Marilyn and her mother to the after party that Alice was preparing. Marilyn did not want to be there alone. She had always been really shy around people and was not good with being at crowded places like a party.

So she was very happy when her mother agreed to come to the party with her. When she finally wore her dress, she ran outside and went into the small living room where her mother was seated in her favorite rocking chair, knitting. That was a hobby her mother had picked up when she was a little girl. Her love for knitting helped her cope with so many problems in her life.

She started with small table cloths. Soon, she could knit sweaters and even woolen trousers. When she was pregnant with Marilyn, she made all of her daughter's clothes. The clothes were very comfortable for baby Marilyn back then. She was always warm during the winter season and it was all thanks to the knitting powers of Jocelyn. Ever since then, Jocelyn has always knitted. Knitting always had a way of making her feel relaxed and happy. She never sold the things she knitted. Instead, she gave it out to the needy children whom she always saw on the streets.

One time, she made a very big blanket out of knitting and gave it out to the orphaned children. Because of this good deeds of hers, she was loved in the town. Her husband loved her even more for the kind heart she always had and still has. Marilyn grew up knowing of her mother's kind heart. When her father died and they had nothing, her mother did not stop helping others. She still did the little she could to help them. Marilyn soon learned to have a good heart just like her mother, making her earn the love of all the people of the town.

When her mother saw her in the beautiful blue dress and immediately stopped her knitting.

"That's a very beautiful dress. Wait! Is that what you are going to wear at the parade tonight?" Jocelyn exclaimed.

"Yes, mother. That is the dress Heidi picked out for me. You know, as soon as she saw it, she said the dress was perfect for me and it is." Marilyn said and made a 360 degrees turn.

"And she is right. Wow, that's a very stunning dress. I bet it cost a fortune."

"Well, it does. But Heidi said it was not that expensive. She said I should not worry about the price and just try to look good tonight. I guess she really wanted to spoil me today."

"I know she would say that. Especially since her father is very rich. Well, the dress is beautiful and it looks really good on you, dear." Jocelyn said and got up to hug her mother.

"Thank you, mother," Marilyn said and hugged her mother back.

She went back inside and changed into her regular clothes. Then, went about finishing her chores for the day.

That evening, Marilyn dressed up for the parade. She had held her hair in a ponytail. She had light makeup on her face which brightened her skin tone. Her mother had lent the makeup to her. Jocelyn wanted her daughter to look beautiful tonight so she did everything she could to make that happen.

Marilyn indeed looked very beautiful in her dress and makeup. She wore high heels which her mother had bought for her from the little money she makes in the little jobs she does. Marilyn never liked her mother spending on her but Jocelyn always insisted on buying her new things even though Marilyn was old enough to get them herself. Marilyn helped her mother on her jobs and sometimes did the jobs herself. She made little money that way and was able to save enough money. She has always wanted to live in the big city and finally achieve her dreams of being a model. That's why she needed to save money, even if it meant sleeping on an empty stomach.

When Marilyn was done dressing up, she came out and met her mother, who was not dressed up yet.

"Mother, aren't you going to the parade with me? I thought we had agreed to go to Heidi's house together."

"Yes, we had, sweetheart. It's just that I suddenly have this terrible headache. I am so sorry but I can't really go."

"What? Why didn't you tell me about it? Are you okay?" Marilyn asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me. I am okay. Just go to the parade and have fun with Heidi."

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you and take care of you? I would be very worried if anything happened to you, mom."

"I know but nothing will happen to me, alright? Just go and have fun." Jocelyn said again.

"Okay, mom. But if you feel worse, send word to me and I will come home right away."

"Okay, my baby. I will do that. Now, go. You wouldn't want to be late."

"Alright mother. I will see you later tonight, okay?" she said and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. Then left the room.

After her daughter left the room, Jocelyn just had a small smile on her face. A tear fell from her eyes and she quickly cleaned it away with the back of her sleeve. She went back into her bedroom and laid down on her bed. Then, she began to cry as loudly as she could.

Marilyn finally got to Heidi's house. Before she could knock on the door, the Butler opened the door and welcomed her with a big smile on his face.

"Come in, Marilyn. Heidi has been waiting for you," he said and ushered her in.

She entered the house and started looking around like this was the first time she was coming to the house. Then, she saw Anthony and Heidi's father coming down the stairs. Both men were talking and laughing and did not even see her standing at the bottom of the stairs. Then suddenly, she locked eyes with Anthony. Both of them felt frozen for a while before Anthony slowly approached her.

She smiled back at him and stretched out her hand to him. He kissed the back of her hand and whispered, "You are beautiful. You look gorgeous tonight."

Heidi's father stood away, staring at the two intently as they both continued to stare at each other like there was nobody else in the room with them. He smiled then shook his head. He knew what that meant. Anthony was in love.